- [[2022-09-17]] happened, it went by almost too fast with laundry and cleaning the house and such things to do on a Saturday :) - Late journal; I slept very little (3h) and was low energy (go figure), I felt depressed but that got fixed by a 1h nap (my naps are usually only 30' tops). - I'm glad to be here finally! - I was active on the [[fediverse]] though. - #push [[pomodoros]] - #1 fix agora twitter bot, try to finally [[opt in writes]] with this - Twitter limits keep making this harder than it should be. - While I wait for quota to try this, I consider... what I write below. - #2 then do the fediverse (that bot is working currently) - See [[twitter agora bot]] for next actions. I should create a second account for the Agora on Twitter, @an_agora is having many problems. If nothing else I'll use it to test; the fact that I don't have a test account makes it so that the bot is broken half the time because I don't have a release process for meaningfully testing changes. It's pretty terrible. For [[agora server]] I have dev.anagora.org and a local environment, but not for bots in [[agora bridge]]. Another thought: sqlite in [[agora bridge]] will really help with this, as bots could just query the graph stored in [[agora]] (root repo) instead of having to rely on Twitter for all state in the social graph. This leads, again, to the question: should we just use [[moa]] as [[agora bridge]]? - #push [[moa]] - [ ] check license - [ ] read code - [ ] see if it can run on sqlite