Journal entries in the last 2000000 days

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πŸ“… day [[2025-01-01]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-29]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-28]]
  • [[j0lms]]: [[plurality]]
  • [[flancia meet]]
    • was quiet but it still felt good to be ‘back’ :)
  • had coffee with my neighbours, it was great!
  • cleaned the house a bit
  • talked to my mum, I enjoyed it and it was great seeing her
  • started a new notebook (ha), this one is a square with a pixel grid — a gift from the [[nintendo museum]] by [[mpd]]
  • share photos
  • run collect over notebooks and papers, this usually makes me feel better (I have a lot of context all around, putting it back in one place/pile usually helps manage it/consolidate)
  • [[december 2024 adventure]]
  • [[agora writing]]
  • had interesting conversations in the [[fediverse]] about:
    • [[ai]]
    • [[sustainability]]
    • leading to [[ilich]], who I still haven’t read — will try to set up his book in my [[kobo]] to read it tonight/soon
  • I read about [[recursively enumerable]] sets and languages — I remembered these were some of my favorite back when I studied computer science when I was 27 or 28. This led me to read again about complexity classes, hierarchies and then [[diophantine]] sets :)
  • Also had a great time playing with [[Lady Burup]], and we even watched [[3blue1brown]] together! Pictures likely in the Fediverse :)
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-27]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-26]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-24]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-23]]
  • Back home!
    • After 15 days spent in the US west coast (working) and then Japan (traveling with friends).
    • I slept home in Oerlikon alone as I crashed not so long after arriving due to jet lag; [[AG]] will come with [[Lady Burup]] later today.
    • I woke up at 6am after only 7 hours of sleep due to jetlag despite only getting five hours yesterday and I decided to just get up and start doing things; I’ll try to take a nap later today as needed.
  • Non-prioritized list of things I want to take a look at now that come to mind and I wanted to jot down:
    • [[Cline]] — I heard it’s a good AI plugin for [[vscode]] that is not too opinionated/walled-gardeny (is that a word? maybe it should be)
    • [[Posty]] — something cooked by [[Oliphant]] over at the Fediverse which sounds a lot like something I wanted to build/I wanted to see someone build)
    • This [[talk by Dan Dennett]] who passed away this year.
    • [[]] activity — some threads on Mastodon, some on Matrix, some on Loomio surely
  • All in all this is supposed to be a free "jetlag recovery day" so I’ll just try to enjoy it and also spend time offline.
  • I read [[Alan Watts]]‘s Wikipedia page (again? unsure) and I wondered again about his alcoholism and relatively early death at 58.
  • I finished [[The Moon is a Harsh Mistress]] today, after starting it and reading most of it yesterday during the flights. I liked it quite a bit! In particular the relationship between the protagonist/narrator and Mike/[[Mycroft]], the AI; and how it went straight into the topic of collaborating with AI towards the revolution.
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-21]]
  • Writing this on the flight from [[Tokyo]] to [[Copenhagen]] while on my way back to [[ZΓΌrich]].
    • I was (lightly) disappointed to see this flight did not head northwest as I expected, but rather northeast, despite what the map ‘navigation’ promised. This told me two things though:
      • "Western" planes are avoiding the whole of Russian airspace, likely because of the war. In retrospect I should have known this!
      • The navigation map available to the public in planes does not reflect in any way the course set by pilots. Instead it seems to just show the [[great circle]] to the destination from the current position. This held true through the trip. Indeed, the ‘projected path’ was roughly orthogonal to the true path at least until we reached the Bearing Strait (which is when I’m writing this).
    • I was planning on catching up on coding and writing (beyond this short entry), but I forgot to charge my laptop and there are no chargers in economy, so there goes that plan :) Well, I have plenty of reading to do so it’ll be fine.
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-15]]
  • I’m writing this on the [[Shinkansen]] from [[Hiroshima]] to [[Osaka]].
    • The [[Hiroshima Museum]], by which I mean the [[Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum]], was very interesting and very shocking — even though I thought I knew what to expect, the effect on me was strong. I could notice it also on other people who were there.
    • In Osaka I intend to:
      • Try interesting food (of course) :)
        • [[Kushikatsu]]? Hopefully there’s a meat-free version.
      • Visit new neighborhoods, like [[Shinsekai]] and [[Den Den Town]].
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-13]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-08]]
  • I’m flying to [[San Francisco]] to work from [[Sunnyvale]] for a few days. As I write this I’m on a SAS A330 sitting in 51A with the seat next to me empty, the plane being about 70% full.
  • I started listening to [[Right Concentration]] by [[Leigh Brasington]] (sp?) on the way to Copenhagen where I made my short connection.
  • Now I’ve finally started properly reading the [[Fediversalist Papers]] (I’ve been waiting for such an occasion) and found the report immediately engrossing.
    • …and finished :) I tried taking good enough notes to then share with the working groups and organizing Circle.
  • I’m still two hours away from San Francisco. Not much more battery left in my laptop, so maybe I’ll just keep reading something else.
  • I finished reading [[Thich Nhat Hanh]]‘s commentary on the [[Heart Sutra]]. I enjoyed it a lot :) Thank you Thich as usual.
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-06]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-02]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-30]]
  • I’m writing this on the train to [[Bern]], after which I will make a few connections and make my way to [[Puidoux]] where I’ll join a [[party in the forest]].
    • It’s going to be quite cold tonight and the party goes on until Sunday afternoon, so I’m happy I got some [[Merino]] underpants and a long sleeved shirt yesterday :)
    • I caught up with [[Eerie Shell]] and [[Kris]] over messaging.
  • I say [[We Will Defeat Moloch]].
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-28]]
  • [[2024-11-27]] took place as well (linking it so I can then go node it :)
  • Interesting conversation in [[Agora discuss]]!
    • [[Zicklag]] wrote about [[]], sounds very cool, it would be great to catch up synchronously with them and [[Erlend]].
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-27]]
  • I woke up with a headache for some reason, and it came back during the day, but otherwise I was fine.
  • I worked and then attended the [[end of year dinner]] with my coworkers.
    • There was also a [[bowling]] afternoon event which I skipped as I felt I was too behind work and I wanted to use the opportunity to catch up.
    • Even as I decided to skip it I knew that, with the passage time, I would remember the bowling event but not the afternoon working. But I decided to do it anyway as I also knew my mental state would be affected by not making progress on some tasks, and I think in the end it was a reasonable choice.
    • I enjoyed dinner. I actually like my coworkers, I’m lucky in that (and many ways!).
  • Then I returned home and I played with [[Lady Burup]] and played the piano.
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-24]]
  • Still recovering from disease (flu? covid? unsure) with [[AG]] — but feeling better thankfully, both of us.
  • Ended up testing [[backup restores]] for [[]] finally and it felt great! It was in the todo list for long.
  • Not so much progress on [[work-work]] this weekend — which I know might sound a bit weird, why is it that I sometimes plan to work on the weekends? The truth is that some of the things I need to do I find it hard to do during the week for a variety of reasons, like meeting load. So I sometimes use the weekend to catch up. But when I don’t I have to at some point ‘let go of it’, else it weights on me implicitly.
  • Spoke to my mum over [[Meet]] and it was great!
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-23]]
  • [[23]] is [[Lady Burup]]‘s day :)
    • A chill day at home, with snow outside. I’m taking care of [[AG]] a bit as she’s sick.
  • Todo for the day:
    • rest :)
    • fix mastodon embeds in the Agora? they are still broken after most instances updated to 4.3
      • I didn’t quite fix this yet but I found two bugs doing this and made progress :)
      • First, embed.js had not been updated in years. We need a step to update static content when updating the instance! I mentioned it in the room.
      • Second, I filed against Mastodon. I don’t get how their "new style" embeds are supposed to work, embed.js seems a bit weird. Let’s see what they say.
    • work: on that work document at least for one pomodoro
    • work: book meetings for the upcoming week (see paper notebook)
    • CWG oncall
      • Some spam reports.
      • No new registrations since yesterday.
    • TWG next steps towards
      • Hmm, what does this mean?
      • I guess I should fill that form to get a VPS from iocoop now that we have joined! That sounds simple enough/fun.
    • write
    • read
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-22]]
  • back to the office finally, after a few days sick working from home! it was nice going back.
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-20]]
  • I’m [[sick]]. Nothing serious, feels like the flu. [[AG]] got it over the weekend.
    • Working from home and catching some [[Meet University]] talks, although today only until 16. There’s an all hands later I may put in the background; I told my manager I was low energy and would focus on resting half a day.
  • I cut my hair, which usually makes me feel fresher, and it did. I also shaved everything except my mustache, for [[Movember]] (is it still a thing? I think so)
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-19]]
  • [[work]]
    • I woke up sick but I worked from home anyway.
    • [[Meet University]] was good!
  • then I rested after work, ate something, spent time with [[Burup]] and caught up with friends
  • then I thought about:
  • [[cwebber]] joined [[]] earlier this week!
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-17]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-16]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-15]]
  • I [[worked]]; it was fine actually, I had a late review meeting (I don’t usually have meetings on Fridays) but it was interesting/felt worth it.
  • I met [[L]]! We spent some of the afternoon together. It was very nice to see her.
  • I then worked on [[]], scaling up (with [[Dan]]). Then I read/wrote/coded a bit.
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-11]]
  • I found a ‘task list’ (I have 7-8 at any given time, usually anything from a3 to a4, envelopes and forms and such that I reuse to write things to do later) which I sort of completed so I archived it. It had the number [[131]] on it, without further context, although it was close to a task related to Wikipedia in the Agora that I have advanced.
    • It is prime in case you’re wondering :) [[prime/131]].
    • Which reminds me about the notion of having prime/ be autopulled when n is a number. Hmm.
  • [[AlgΓΊn dΓ­a]]
  • Noding from [[paramita]] and from [[nostromo]] while I work on the Agora tonight.
    • I’m already showered and can go until the time I go to bed, probably early as I woke up at 6am due to double pages :)
    • I’ll enjoy the ride for however long it lasts!
    • I thought of [[2024-11-19]].
    • I thought of the future.
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-10]]
  • [[agora development]]:
    • fix mastodon 4.3 embeds?
    • and what comes next?
  • [[writing]]:
    • I say I want to do more writing in long form/intelligibly to the average prose reader, but don’t often make time for it. Some time ago I said Sundays were going to be for this kind of writing more often, and I could try to uphold this today. Let’s see.
    • [[letters]]: some [[closed]], some [[open]]
  • To test [[collimation]]:
    • As it’s cloudy, maybe I’ll observe the distant LEDs in a construction crane ~500m away tonight.
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-09]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-08]]


  • Back in [[Silverbullet]] after a few days only making it to [[codium]] — which in some ways was good, as it means I managed to carve out some time for some playful coding through the week.
    • [[Stapelberg]] is now using [[Silverbullet]] as well and seems to like it as well although he did comment on the system requirements; I agree it can be intense in larger gardens. But still it is capable enough and a solid enough writing environment that it’s the best tool I know of in knowledge space currently.
  • Work was good, tough at times but I believe overall productive.
    • I’ve been feeling and looking a bit tired lately so I started taking iron again, and might take vitamin D supplements (as I’ve been doing seasonally with good effect).
  • Tomorrow I’ll see [[AG]] :)
  • This evening after work I started working on the Agora and writing. [[Lady Burup]] is sitting to my back on her green cushion.
  • Someone reached out over [[Telegram]].
  • I thought about [[Ekumen]].
  • I did [[Agora development]].
    • I iterated on more interface issues that had long nagged me/I had long wanted to work on.
    • Shipped iterations in the [[themes]].
    • Changed button location to have it make more sense given what it actually does.
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-06]]
  • I shipped a fix to (the result of coworking with Dan through the week, it was great!)
  • I shipped some layout/theme improvements to, it felt great as well. I like UI stuff actually it seems, in the right dosage.
  • I worked and I was a bit tired at times but it was good and interesting.
  • The [[US Election]] news hit hard, myself and many friends.
  • I spent time with [[Lady Burup]] in the evening :)
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-05]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-04]]
  • Back to work :)
    • I had the day off but I decided to work anyway; the meeting load seemed manageable and I was able to carve out a good-sized flow block, so it seemed like a good idea to get the week started today.
    • Ended up working half a day, which seemed like a good compromise; I ticked a few things off my todo list to start the week in good shape, freeing the rest for some critical tasks hopefully.
  • Thought about after work
    • [[TWG]]:
      • meeting?
    • [[CWG]]:
      • Also the question of [[matrix]] for coordinating work, which is met with resistance by some working group members only. For me interop is the clear solution, let’s see.
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-03]]
  • I’m going to try to go back to keeping more of my todo list here digitally.
  • Today was good; melancholy at times, but it ended up on high notes.
  • Tomorrow I have the day off, but I might work anyway.
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-02]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-01]]
  • [[work]] from home as a technician was coming to fix the sinks, it’s great after the fact like a lot of maintenance tasks! I hope to be able to do it myself if it’s needed again, let’s see.
  • [[Ekumen]]
  • [[Feedback on the Agora]] by [[Eduardo]]:
    • No hay jerarquΓ­as y no hay orden
    • No hay jerarquΓ­as:
      • Nodo estΓ‘ en la misma jerarquΓ­a que wikipedia/wiktionary/results
      • (Sobre las divisiones entre Γ‘gora y no Γ‘gora)
      • Primero podrΓ­a ir el Γ‘gora y despuΓ©s de adentro hacia afuera
    • Datos y metadatos estΓ‘n mezclados
    • LΓ­neas y "1 + 1 = 3"
      • Espacio negativo
      • Alternancia entre colores y grises
    • Dos grupos:
      • info acΓ‘
      • e info en otros lados
    • TransclusiΓ³n, etc.
    • QuizΓ‘s un tabbed interface? Mostrar que e.g. wiktionary tiene contenido relevante pero no mostrarlo como elemento de primer nivel.
πŸ“… day [[2024-10-31]]
  • [[Las Jaras]] is here!
    • How sweet it is
  • I’m trying to update the firmware of my [[8bitdo retro keyboard]] and it’s harder than expected due to the fact that [[8bitdo]] only supports Mac and Windows, but I’m making some progress.
πŸ“… day [[2024-10-29]]
  • [[work]] was intense meetings, summit, then working late - but good I think.
  • [[go/flow/29]] is about [[trust]].
πŸ“… day [[2024-10-28]]


  • I biked to work and I’m happy I did, it wasn’t too cold and the exercise felt great both ways.
    • Now I’m cozy at home typing on my mechanical keyboard with Lady Burup (she occasionally also types, but also I just mean we’re spending time together :)).
    • I was also melancholy for personal reasons but it felt constructive, like processing.
πŸ“… day [[2024-10-27]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-10-26]]
  • [[]]
  • Well, I’m here finally :)
    • I received my second keyboard and I installed it on the desk with [[Paramita]].
    • Typing on it feels amazing, and the workstation is now set up in a way that I think will entice me to write more often and for longer periods before context switching.
    • I find that, when I’m typing on a laptop keypad, the constant availability of the trackpad makes me context switch more often, as I react impulsively to notifications for example. When I am in this typing position, switching to a different context requires me to:
      • Reach out for the mouse, which is 30cm away.
      • Use a combination like Meta + hjkl to move to a different window using my [[window manager]]‘s shortcut, which usually means I’d be focusing to a different window that I had decided I wanted to work on (as it’s on my workspace)
      • Learn the shortcut for ‘react to last notification’, which I don’t know and I don’t intend to learn today :)
    • Now only remains the task of remembering what I want to do, which means updating my priority list and gathering an intent to follow it.

So today I want to work/play on:

I also met a new friend, [[Elena]], picked up the keyboard package and mailed out some forms, and thought about some personal matters/emotionally processed.

-> [[do]]

  • I enjoyed going through it a lot actually, several things got marked done! Wow.
  • It makes sense because I do follow a kind of system within my chaos, but it’s cool to see it corroborated.
  • Some things I actually did; some things are no longer relevant, e.g. Twitter bot stuff (as Musk killed that, for now at least).
  • Which led me to [[maybe Musk will wake up]]

Hi there! this is one of the first few livestreams I’ve done. I keep iterrating on the format. As it is now, I am recording my typing but I don’t know to which extent you can hear the music or anything I say. I need to check up the setup later, so excuse any disruption please :)

I will now [[flow]] with my friends [[bobby lyte]] and [[adriene]] :D

For more of this, check out .

  • Actual yoga is coming soon. I’ve been enjoying typing on my mechanical keyboard and playing with Lady Burup. I fixed or worked around some hardware/setup issues along the way :)
  • Also did some light gardening in preparation for the winter.
  • [[Recursivity]].
  • No matter what, I keep coming back to [[neovim]] for editing my garden. It’s just too handy and fast. Silverbullet competes with other tabs in my browser windows, whereas [[wikivim]] is always somewhere in tmux.
  • I think that’s fine, they have different strengths?
    • Although I did want to experiment with [[silverbullet attachments]] as a simple way to make the [[Agora]] more multi-media (it’s the spirit of the 90s? :))
πŸ“… day [[2024-10-25]]


  • Back in the Agora!
    • I shipped some small usability improvements this week. I intend to do some more of these during the weekend.
    • I re-discovered [[]] and it’s amazing, both broken and great.
    • [[Silverbullet]] cannot open it though, so the screenshot is in [[ellipsis]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-10-24]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-10-21]]
  • I had a good day at work really.
    • I enjoyed typing on my new keyboard! I am looking forward actually, which is a nice motivation to go to work tomorrow again, and that in turn is nice to have as I have to go there anyway ;)
    • I may end up getting another one for writing at home though. I "knew" that I like typing on mechanical keyboards, but it took typing again in one to properly remember it :)
    • I worked until late back home even after the [[]] meeting, but that’s OK as well, I like starting the week strong.
  • Then I thought about the [[Revolution]].
πŸ“… day [[2024-10-20]]
  • [[AG]]
  • called my mum for [[mother’s day]] in Argentina
  • [[flancia meet]]:
  • I’m liking my new [[8bitdo]] keyboard a lot, and now that I’ve made the programmable buttons work even more :)
    • I set one big button to lock the screen and the other to write ‘yes’ and press enter; I figured programming one to take a full action that might be dangerous in some contexts was fun and reasonable enough for what IS a big red button after all, so if you press it in front of a prompt or a chat window you should be sufficiently aware of the risk :)
    • Typing here I remember how much I like typing, in a way. Another thing I like is that it forces me away from the laptop, where the touchpad is always available. Here I have to reach for the mouse, as in the olden days, and this is a small context switch that I might be able to catch myself doing when I intended to focus on the task at hand (writing).
    • I think this might enable me to write more and in longer form, which is something I’ve been meaning to do for a while. The last long form text I wrote publicly was the [[Agora Chapter]] of the book about [[Personal Knowledge Graphs]], which was published in [[2023]].

I guess at some point once you’ve written enough you can drop the bullet points and go back to full prose, whatever difference this makes. To some extent paragraphs are a two level list hierarchy, in the sense that every sentence that follows a previous instead of beginning a new paragraph can be though to be a children to one that preceded it.

  • I ran into [[Wittgenstein]] again and I thought again of reading him seriously/more fully, I have only read fragments of him so far and of course commentary to his work.
  • I guess bullet points can serve as asides in longer form prose, like parentheses or dashes, but perhaps more readable for the case of writers which tend to produce many asides and meta :)

So, anyway, writing makes me feel good; it feels cathartic you could say, and also just necessary at times. Noticing that something feels good also helps oneself do that thing again, remove resistances to doing it.

Why is it that I want to write so much? It is because [[writing is an aid to memory]], and [[writing is a tool for thinking]], and for communicating of course.

  • The laundry timer just went off.
  • And now I’m back, after putting laundry to dry (tumble) and another load :)

What do I want to remember so much, you might ask yourself. Well, to answer that thoroughly and clearly is that I like to build [[Agoras]].

πŸ“… day [[2024-10-19]]
  • Back!
    • Work week was alright.
    • Did some personal emotional processing during the week as well.
    • Now feeling good going into the weekend :)
  • Had good meetings, also one great today with [[edumerco]].
  • I reconnected with some old [[friends]] digitally and in analog space :)
πŸ“… day [[2024-10-17]]
  • Today is [[Maitreya]]! The 17th :)
  • Work was fine actually. I biked there and back, I’m enjoying the exercise before it gets too cold.
    • Was productive in the evening from home after reuniting with [[Lady Burup]] :)
  • Then I ate and did [[Flancia]].
πŸ“… day [[2024-10-15]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-10-12]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-10-11]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-10-08]]


  • At [[work]], meaning in the office, after a few days out/WFH due to disease. It’s nice to see my coworkers/have in person conversations.
    • I had a productive day at home yesterday which hopefully will translate to a productive week in-office. Let’s see :)
  • No meetings after work tonight! Which is nice.
πŸ“… day [[2024-10-06]]
  • Continuing from [[2024-10-04]] :)
  • #push [[todo]]
  • [[agora development]]:
    • I still want to make work and serve a ‘default Agora’ that lists the known Agoras in the domain ("network").
    • I wanted to work on the [[plus operator]], a quite simple thing on the surface but it runs deep
    • I want to experiment with embedding images in nodes using [[Silverbullet]].
  • [[flancia]] in [[pomodoros]]:
    • [[zine]]
      • 0
      • 1
      • 2
      • 3
      • 4
      • 5 finish?
    • [[letters]]
      • 0
        • which are the three letters I want to work on?
          • to [[WS]]
            • Thank you
            • What I will try to do forward
            • Objections -> [[objectio]]
          • to Musk (Burup chose this one while hacking just before shutting down the computer)
            • Objections
            • Thank you
            • What I will try to do forward
          • to Maitreya
            • meaning: one or more friends
              • Lex Fridman et al?
            • Thank you
            • What I will try to do forward
      • 1
      • 2
      • 3
      • 4
      • 5 finish/share?
  • [[AG]] stayed over and it was great.
  • I will now do two (planned) pomodoros to finish work for the day, in particular do some long standing expense reports. After that I will segue into the weekend :) But you could also say the weekend already started, I’m fine with the program and having a very chill day with [[Lady Burup]].
πŸ“… day [[2024-10-04]]
  • Sick so I [[WFH]], but nothing serious.
  • Resuming from [[2024-10-01]]:
  • [[agora development]]:
    • I still want to make work and serve a ‘default Agora’ that lists the known Agoras in the domain ("network").
    • I wanted to work on the [[plus operator]], a quite simple thing on the surface but it runs deep
    • I want to experiment with embedding images in nodes using [[Silverbullet]].
  • [[flancia]] in [[pomodoros]]:
    • [[zine]]
      • 0
      • 1
      • 2
      • 3
      • 4
      • 5 finish?
    • [[letters]]
      • 0
        • which are the three letters I want to work on?
          • to [[WS]]
            • Thank you
            • What I will try to do forward
            • Objections -> [[objectio]]
          • to Musk (Burup chose this one while hacking just before shutting down the computer)
            • Objections
            • Thank you
            • What I will try to do forward
          • to Maitreya
            • meaning: one or more friends
              • Lex Fridman et al?
            • Thank you
            • What I will try to do forward
      • 1
      • 2
      • 3
      • 4
      • 5 finish/share?
  • [[AG]] stayed over and it was great.
  • I will now do two (planned) pomodoros to finish work for the day, in particular do some long standing expense reports. After that I will segue into the weekend :) But you could also say the weekend already started, I’m fine with the program and having a very chill day with [[Lady Burup]].
  • [[ekumen]]
  • [[analytical seclusion]]:
    • [[sabbatical]]
    • may 2025-july 2025? one month to start with?
πŸ“… day [[2024-10-01]]
  • I read about [[polymers]] and [[acrylic]] a.k.a. [[PMMA]] via… the [[Cotton-Mouton Effect]] (?).
    • Also about [[Sky Pool, London]] which "was criticized as emblematic of economic inequalities in London.".
  • [[Magnets]]
  • [[Zine]] (enjoying it, working in [[overleaf]] with vim bindings is a pretty nice setup)
  • Thought of [[Right Resolve]], [[Right Speech]], [[Right Action]], [[Right Freedom]]
  • [[agora development]]:
    • [[]] is partly fixed since yesterday (finally!) in the sense that and are back up in [[hypatia]] \o/
    • I still want to make work and serve a ‘default Agora’ that lists the known Agoras in the domain ("network").
    • I fixed my [[wiki vim]] setup to allow for easy markdown editing again and things like interacting with checkboxes.
    • I wanted to work on the [[plus operator]], a quite simple thing on the surface but it runs deep
    • I want to experiment with embedding images in nodes using [[Silverbullet]].
  • [[flancia]] in [[pomodoros]]:
    • [[zine]]
      • 0
      • 1
      • 2
      • 3
      • 4
      • 5 finish?
    • [[letters]]
      • 0
        • which are the three letters I want to work on?
          • to [[WS]]
            • Thank you
            • Objections
            • What I will try to do forward
          • to Musk (Burup chose this one while hacking just before shutting down the computer)
            • Objections
            • Thank you
            • What I will try to do forward
          • to Maitreya
            • meaning: one or more friends
            • Thank you
            • What I will try to do forward
      • 1
      • 2
      • 3
      • 4
      • 5 finish/share one tomorrow?
        • considering this shared (with two people to begin with) as of the week of [[2024-10-11]] :)
πŸ“… day [[2024-09-30]]
  • read about the [[Karmapa]]
  • I have this week off, will probably keep today and tomorrow off and resume work on Wednesday
  • #push [[do]]
    • I crafted, and then went through, a lengthy todo list :)
      • do laundry (2x)
      • donate (2x)
      • run [[collect]] over todo items/notebooks, they’ve gotten out of control as usual :)
        • add items to this todo list or ideally to the [[root node]] for my tasks
        • maybe add images directly, although that could take time it will be less time than entering manually, and I could pipe the collection to AI at some point?
      • write
        • zine (2-4x)
        • get java [[minecraft]]
        • one or more of:
          • open letter to musk
          • open letter to maitreya
          • open letter to lex and sam
      • code
        • get into a code-release flow again by shipping one little change to
        • one or more of:
          • save button
          • activitypub support
          • agora bot posts updates from the agora?
          • users post updates from the agora?
      • systems
        • fix
          • recycle
          • make free space
          • try again
πŸ“… day [[2024-09-28]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-09-27]]
  • I’m back :)
  • [[]]:
    • Updated moderation announcement
    • Review pass issue reported by edsu
  • [[bobby lyte]] mentioned the importance of "the shared and collective belief and energy toward a common goal" and I liked how he put it
πŸ“… day [[2024-09-24]]
  • [[work]] was OK.
    • tomorrow will be even better I think :)
    • it will start weirdly.
  • I thought of [[tanzwerk]] and [[hardturm]] again, and of cycling through the city, thanks to the Agora/my digital garden. Maybe during the weekend?
  • While using the Agora, I thought of some things:
    • It is a shame that so few different users show up in recent, BUT there are a few contributors I didn’t know about and that felt cool/interesting and I found several nodes by old friends I want to read.
    • It really should have a ‘pin’ or ‘star’ or ‘save’ button as "mvp" for storing state originating from the web client but not tied to an editor. I found some wikipedia-articles-within-the-Agora that I wanted to ‘pin’ as having been interesting, and just being able to save a subnode that says ‘flancian was here on X’ would suffice really. Like a visitors log, old web style maybe. Or just a bit in sqlite?
      • I need to find vera’s branch that took me too long to review :(
        • Better late than never? Or, well, in any case it is an inspiration.
      • I want to catch up with [[j0lms]]
  • I want to do [[yoga]] tonight.
  • It is 22 as I write this and I’d like to be in bed tonight by 1am.
  • Also, [[Tschenresi Sadhana]].
  • I’m back!
    • In the wrong location ;) [[sariputta]] has an old-style editor which adds journal entries to /journal :)
    • I’ll live with the discrepancy, they are coalesced reasonably well by the Agora in any case.
    • See also: [[2024-09-24]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-09-21]]
  • Back in [[Flancia]]!
    • Or did we ever leave?
    • [[Mallorca]] was beautiful!
    • Thank you [[AG]] for your kindness and your beauty.
    • Reunited with [[Lady Burup]] yesterday evening.
  • Today I cleaned and I worked around the house, catching up with:
  • Today I noticed that [[37]] = [[19]] + [[18]], meaning a centered hex number plus its center-less partner.
    • So it seems like a very good packing for two hex numbers, in one figure.
  • Then I [[flowed]].
  • [[zine]]
  • Music: [[rainbow folding]] and others
  • [[37]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-09-14]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-09-06]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-09-05]]
  • I’ve gotten [[paramita]] back up and running, it had broken in a variety of ways (broken nvim with a bus error, broken gammastep)
  • [[Jigme Rinpoche]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-09-03]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-09-02]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-08-29]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-08-28]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-08-22]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-08-19]]
  • [[Google IPO]] twenty years ago today
  • [[zine]]
  • [[AG]]
  • Had lunch with [[Stapelberg]]
  • I banged my right elbow hard when moving near an open window, I hope it doesn’t swell :)
  • Good day overall in any case!
    • I cycled to work and back and it was great.
πŸ“… day [[2024-08-18]]


  • Chill rainy Sunday at home :)
  • Spent it with [[AG]].
  • Then in the afternoon [[VK]] and her boyfriend [[Sascha]] came about, it was very nice!
  • [[feedback 2024]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-08-17]]


  • [[Maitreya]]!
    • Maitreya on Saturday is extra special
  • [[Burup]]
    • I played the piano, I’m enjoying recording midis while practicing even if it’s sometimes cacophonic — as it sometimes isn’t :) and saving the midi seems interesting and would let me extract fragments later
  • [[Fediverse]]
  • Wrote [[]] on a lark :)
πŸ“… day [[2024-08-16]]


  • I got here the long way around :)
    • For sure I did! Cool — back here something like… 18 hours later, at 22.
    • Yesterday night I had a wild ride restoring my preferred [[Agora editor]] to working order, and then exorcising my digital garden from a file over 100MB which I accidentally committed and made Github refuse me all service with insufficient explanation :)
  • [[Silverbullet]]:
    • Now running [[Silverbullet dev]] having worked around the actual trigger for the most critical part of, which ended up being not due to garden scale only but also due to a recent change I had made to my config :)
      • Keeping an eye on the other performance issues.
      • You wouldn’t believe how much I missed having a web-based [[Agora editor]].
      • It made me think I still have to keep honest and actually offer this as a service in the [[Agora of Flancia]] — I would love to provide hosted Silverbullet for whoever wants it.
    • Thought of:
πŸ“… day [[2024-08-15]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-08-13]]
  • I played the piano and played with [[Lady Burup]] :)
  • A few days ago I learnt that [[stanines]] were/are a thing.
  • [[work]] happened, ups and downs, I was a bit tired; I think I should go to bed earlier on Mondays as Tuesdays demand energy :)
  • [[nostromo]] crashed again and then exhibited a [[heisenbug]] (I wrote about it on Fedi).
  • some [[]] work, it made me a bit sad to revert an experiment that I thought could be positive due to spirited pushback but it’s important to respect the experience of the community
    • it’s pretty out there how much time I’ve been spending trying to keep nostromo alive — it crashes quite often, I should prioritize that
    • [[backup nostromo]]
    • then maybe I could get a replacement, or just use it to the end but try to work around the issues with more automation? because they’re hardware triggered (overheating, plus some likely adapter related issues for what is a laptop with many functions)
  • some [[]] work, it made me a bit sad to revert an experiment that I thought could be positive due to spirited pushback but it’s important to respect the feedback of the community
  • thought about:
  • [[bangers]]:
  • [[silverbullet bug]] which makes it harder for me to write in the Agora :(
    • but things will hopefully get better :)
πŸ“… day [[2024-08-12]]
  • Found [[3493]] on the way to work today, it was great.
  • Then in the night I thought of [[cryptobuddhism]].
πŸ“… day [[2024-08-11]]
  • Sad morning but I think it was also cathartic.
  • Then I cleaned the house, and I did practice :)
  • Got back to [[Building Bridges]] after long, finally — it’s been on the backburner for a year or so, at least?
    • Will try to do a pass on it, with the occasion of also
    • Fixing formatting issues on [[Agora Chapter]] for legibility before sharing further
  • I need to fix the issue that on some computers [[wiki vim]] writes journals on /journal/.md and in some others I have it set it up to /.md
  • [[Flow state]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-08-10]]
  • I read what [[NG]] wrote
  • Bought shoes, which was on my todo list :)
  • Bought a book gift
  • Received a book gift :)
  • Found [[standardgalatic]]
  • I biked from [[AG]]‘s place to [[Flancia central]] in the midnight sun and it was beautiful :)
  • Then I saw [[VK]], it was great!
  • Then I flowed.
  • Updated [[bill flancian]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-08-08]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-08-06]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-08-05]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-08-04]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-08-03]]


  • Now on the [[third]], early in the morning you could say :)

  • [[Flancia meet]] was quiet but I enjoyed it anyway, took the time to do stuff leisurely on the laptop.
  • [[Hzian]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-08-02]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-08-01]]


  • Back on [[Silverbullet]] after a few days.
    • I moved my journals here also to the root of my garden, as I did with wiki vim a few days back, so you will see them at / from now on instead of at /journal/
    • Happy to hear that [[vera]] is also using Silverbullet!
  • I read criticism of the [[Gemini ad]]:
    • I first read the article and then I watched the ad.
    • You could say the ad does miss any note worth hitting; but I did like some aspects like the dad’s voice (is it the real one, though, I wonder?) and the fact that it’s not too long.
    • It has the usual by now out-of-touch aesthetic of Google ads, which you could call [[enterprise whimsy]].
    • And it’s just… a bit nonsensical, on top of the other criticisms. Why is the dad involved at all? He comes across as lazy. If this was an ad showing how the little girl can use Gemini to help her with her writing, it would feel a lot more natural/less problematic probably. It is true that kids are going to be using generative AI to learn how to write (presumably they are already doing this), and the ad could have shown some of that instead. Maybe this was considered but lawyers didn’t want to show too young people using the technology for some reason, and we got the lazy dad as a compromise?
    • Anyway. Google ads are pretty bad on average these days IMHO, so I’m not super surprised.
  • Yesterday [[2024-07-31]] in the [[Fellowship of the link]] call [[Aram]] shared a nice article he wrote as part of the [[semilink]] activity we were experimenting with: [[the internet is a series of webs]].
  • [[Flancia]]:
    • I wrote on the Agora today. This is a good day :)
    • I intend to also do some [[Agora development]].
      • I fixed an issue that [[vera]] reported with transclusion in Silverbullet — interesting.
      • I wrote a script to assist in Agora maintenance,


πŸ“… day [[2024-07-31]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-07-30]]
  • I worked, it was fine — I almost didn’t as we were just returned from beautiful [[Ischia]] yesterday and Thursday is a national holiday, but in the end it was good as I made progress on several fronts and meetings were light for a Tuesday :)
  • Then I did some [[]] following up on some of yesterday’s topics from the [[twg]]
  • I thought of:
    • [[Magnets]] as usual ;)
    • By the way any of the ideas I write down, which I’m sure are old hat to any physicist and many common folk like me, are for the benefit of all beings if they ever turn out to be useful in any way; any [[patents]] are dedicated to the benefit of humanity and friends :)
    • [[Agora letters]]
      • Maybe sounds a bit better than just [[Open Letters]] for what I am trying to do — at least for me :) Because these are open letters with a particular intention? Or at least that’s a particular interesting subset of all [[open letters]] tracked in this [[Agora]] and elsewhere in the [[Internet]].

Today and yesterday I thought also of writing, in general — how much I do it and how much I don’t, how many of my thoughts seep into the ether as weak electromagnetic radiation and are only occasionally recorded. (That’s alright; with every thought "lost" we radiate some heat, we feel something, we experiment our beings and let the universe shape our consciousnesses).

For the purpose of focusing more often on writing I’ve started to think of [[Sariputta]] as my writing computer, keeping also [[Sila]] and [[Paramita]] as general purpose/development computers, and [[Nostromo]] as media centre/MIDI terminal.

πŸ“… day [[2024-07-27]]


  • In [[Ischia]]! Now for a few days. This is the first I’ve noded as days have been quite intense in [[bodyspace]] (in a nice way).
  • I want to submit some poems for the [[zine]] that [[bouncepaw]] is editing by EOM, will try to work on those today from the beach. If not today, tomorrow.
πŸ“… day [[2024-07-22]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-07-21]]
  • Woke up with [[AG]], enjoyed the morning. Then I cleaned and did laundry and started packing for the trip :)
    • Also managed to lose one my earbuds while cleaning, but then I found it thanks to [[find my device]] which I didn’t know existed — it’s an option in [[bluetooth settings.]]- [[Flancia]]:
    • [[]]
    • Talking to [[Mohammed]] about getting formal verification about our charitable endeavours as the bank in Yemen is giving trouble/they seem to be suspicious of ill intent (which we don’t have).
    • Wrote today (I should have one it earlier, it was somewhere on my todo list — but here we are, I hope it helps).
πŸ“… day [[2024-07-20]]
  • So it turns out that for years I have been sometimes journaling in / and sometimes in journal/, depending on how I created the entry.
    • If I press e.g. ctrl-w ctrl-w in [[vim]], I go to the daily page as configured by [[wiki vim]] — which is the later.
    • If I link [[YYYY-MM-DD]] in the past, I usually will have a journal already, and wiki vim will redirect there.
    • If I link [[YYYY-MM-DD]] in the future, though, I will not have a journal yet, so the file will be created as a "common node", outside of journals.
    • I thought I had moved to a ‘flat space’ with everything including journals in the [[root of my garden]], but apparently that didn’t happen yet :)
  • [[agora development]]:
    • Fix some quirks?
      • Take e.g. [[2024-07-20]]:
        • Showing the whole path for a subnode was a good idea I think, it:
          • Makes it clear this is a filesystem-like thing, some users will immediately get the idea
          • Disambiguates between subnodes for free
          • Made it so that the header is now ‘user contributed ‘, I think I like it.
          • Also took the chance to add tooltips/make the UX more intuitive by adjusting where each part of the header links to.
      • Take e.g. [[zine]]
  • I intend to make it to [[Flancia Meet]] around 10AM UTC today.
  • [[zine]]
  • [[agora]]
  • [[AG]] told me about [[Arthur Koestler]]
  • We swam in [[Letten]] :)
  • Listening to [[Sam Harris]] with [[Christof Hoch]]. Interesting, they had a "sidebar" conversation I’d love to comment on among other things.
  • I read a bit about the life of [[Muhammed]] and his wives, like [[Aisha]].
  • I read about [[Thalassemia]]
  • [[Bryce Huebner]]
  • [[LM Studio]]
  • [[skreutzer]]
  • [[sensecraft]]
  • [[agora development]]:
    • Fix some quirks?
      • Take e.g. [[2024-07-20]]:
        • Showing the whole path for a subnode was a good idea I think, it:
          • Makes it clear this is a filesystem-like thing, some users will immediately get the idea
          • Disambiguates between subnodes for free
          • Made it so that the header is now ‘user contributed ‘, I think I like it.
          • Also took the chance to add tooltips/make the UX more intuitive by adjusting where each part of the header links to.
      • Take e.g. [[zine]]
  • I intend to make it to [[Flancia Meet]] around 10AM UTC today.
πŸ“… day [[2024-07-19]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-07-17]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-07-16]]
  • [[agora chapter]] is now one step closer to being properly readable in the Commons :)
    • I linked all wikilinks using [[apps script]]
    • I also have a version without [[ and ]] and… I have to say it might indeed be more readable than with :)
  • Caught up with [[collective sense commons]] after a long while and it was great/interesting!
  • [[topic maps]] by [[Jack Park]] is now linked.
πŸ“… day [[2024-07-14]]
  • [[Silverbullet]]:
    • The new [[Silverbullet]] supports transclusion!
      • It works using the syntax I think [[Obsidian]] also uses:
      • β₯… [[tabs]]

        will transclude the content of note [[tabs]].
      • In the case of the [[Agora]] this could be treated as a [[pull]] — but that transcludes the whole node below the current one, and maybe in this case what is intended is to transclude one particular resource in-place.
      • Oh, what currently happens is that the Agora assumes this is an image being transcluded — that is the one kind of direct transclusion we have implemented so far. I guess I could hack that codepath and see how hard it is to actually transclude e.g. the subnode with full subnode view in an iframe? Unsure.
    • In other [[Silverbullet]] news, today I figured out how to make dailies go to the node YYYY-MM-DD instead of to Journals/Day/YYYY-MM-DD:
      • You open special page /Library/Journal/New%20Page/Daily%20Note (template) in your instance.
      • You change suggestedName.
      • I commented out forPrefix but I’m unsure if you need that.
πŸ“… day [[2024-07-12]]
  • threw [[261]]
    • leading to [[hex/10]] = [[271]]: es todo perfecto como es.
    • I realized [[hex/6]] = [[97]] is prime, the last I had yet to memorize below 100. That concludes a particular interesting sequence, I guess :)
    • [[primes]]:
      • The number of primes below 100 is perhaps interesting to know: 25. So a fourth of the 100 first numbers are prime! Huh.
      • Knowing up to 1000 would unlock getting a statistical feel of how quickly primes ‘thin out’.
      • Of course we can also count to 10: 4 primes below 10, so about two fifths.
      • I think they thin out logarithmically but I’m not sure which base, I could look it up but maybe I’ll think about it :)
      • It would be cool if it was the natural logarithm. It’s the kind of thing that could happen :)
  • [[bluesky]]:
    • now has an [[agora bot]]!
    • it’s alpha but it works sometimes (tm)
    • #go at://
      • is that a valid [[at protocol]] uri? I believe it sort of should be but I haven’t checked :)
  • [[primes]]:
  • I’m going back to [[Flancia book]], and it made me think of what I would in my best dreams try to publish during [[2025]]:
    • A new [[essay]].
    • A [[book]] (with publish meant loosely/playfully maybe).
    • A [[paper]].
  • [[paul bricman]]: [[straumli ai]]
    • is down?
  • [[celeste]]
    • is pretty great
πŸ“… day [[2024-07-11]]

Here we go. Once more onto the breach; maybe it is today we start writing a book I started writing years ago, and will take me or us many more years to write.

These its chapters.

πŸ“… day [[2024-07-09]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-07-08]]
  • [[Flancia]]!
    • I’ll be in Flancia as much as possible Monday and Tuesday; Wednesday I’m back to work.
    • (Decided to take a mini two day holiday with the occasion of my birthday and the anniversary of my dad’s death.)
  • Thank you [[AG]] and [[Brigitta]] for the beautiful weekend!
  • [[L]] told me about [[Brook Farm]] :)
  • I thought of:
πŸ“… day [[2024-07-03]]
  • [[work]]
  • then [[dinner]] with an ex-coworker (who fell to one of the 2023 layoff rounds) and people from my team
  • then… Flancia!
πŸ“… day [[2024-07-02]]

I’ve started recording my screen more often, as a way of screencasting — even though very often I don’t get to actually publish it. I have a [[Youtube channel]] but I mostly upload Yoga sessions there, at least so far. Still, just recording sometimes makes me feel reassured — because theoretically that means I may get to actually publish it in the future, or because others will find these files and look for anything [[interesting]] in them, or because even if they are lost they will influence my behavior in some ways.

I sometimes feel that I think and write more coherently when I remember to think about you, dear [[reader]], dear [[viewer]], please [[like]] and [[share]] if willing :)

I wrote the above, which I’m calling [[2024-07-02]], and then I’m moving on to do whatever’s next in the list, or whatever arises.

I was thinking recently of

Here’s a [[joke]]:

An alien and a human go into a bar.

The alien asks: how many drinks are you having?

The human says: just one.

  • One what?
  • One drink.
  • That’s in this reality, what about the imaginary part?
  • What do you mean?
  • In how many timelines are you right now?
  • What… what do you mean? Just the one
  • One reality, all real?
  • Yes

With a flash of insight, many aliens realize at once that humans don’t know the complex plane.

…of Agora development, and of the fact that I still need to fix [[]], and…

Here again on [[2024-07-19]], is this cheating time? :)

πŸ“… day [[2024-06-29]]
  • Maybe it’s time to check [[Silverbullet]]‘s settings for journal entries? :)
πŸ“… day [[2024-06-28]]
  • [[work]] was fine :)
    • three days of summit, plus very interesting conversations with visitors from [[STO]] and the team!
    • tomorrow, no meetings except for an [[ER-CH]] one.
πŸ“… day [[2024-06-26]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-06-24]]

Bella muy bella Burup, bella muy bella Burup!

Tara Burup Tara-burup!

Bella muy bella [[Burup]]:


Bella muy bella Burup, bella muy bella Burup.

Mi true Burup, true Burup.

Bella muy bella [[Burup]]:


  • [[work]] :)
    • This week is expected to be heavy duty due to a combination of:
      • [[oncall]]
      • visitors from [[Stockholm]] (with associated interesting discussion/training sessions)
      • a summit
    • But started out well enough with a quiet Monday… so far :)
  • [[2024-06-21]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-06-23]]
  • I planned to do [[Agora]] work but in the end didn’t get to it; maybe I will be able to do a bit of it on Monday after work.
  • We managed to do a mini bike-and-run with [[AG]] and it was great :)
  • VC’d with my mum :)
  • Also VC’d with [[Berni]] as we watched the second half of [[Switzerland-Germany]] together.
  • And caught up with [[Kris]].
πŸ“… day [[2024-06-22]]
  • [[Sebek]] and family came over and we had lunch at home :) It was great!
    • [[Lady Burup]] found it hard to deal with two children at the same time, but I think she might get used to it with time (and the children will also learn how to communicate with her) ;)
  • Then [[Janosch]]‘s [[party]] with [[AG]] πŸ₯³
  • Then [[2024-06-23]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-06-21]]
  • I [[worked]].
  • Then I attended the [[Helvetas]] yearly general assembly with [[AG]]. It was quite interersting! Highly participative (votes for accepting the yearly budget, etc.) and with a focus on the foundation’s activities in [[Bhutan]].
πŸ“… day [[2024-06-19]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-06-18]]
  • at [[work]] — relatively tough Monday and Tuesday with lots of meetings, but getting through them :)
  • [[new moon yoga]] was interesting the other day, even though (or maybe because) it didn’t come out on [[new moon]] at all :)
  • [[Flancia]], in my heart, is deep and meaningful.
  • [[bangers]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-06-15]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-06-14]]
  • Now using [[silverbullet]] as embedded in the Agora proper :)
    • It’s at the bottom.
    • It only works for me for now — sorry!
    • I know it’s a bit self-centered to add the edit box to when only I can use it for now, but I wanted to experiment with the editing experience before investing a lot in developing it for others :) I hope it doesn’t get in the way of the experience of others.
  • Maybe it makes sense to make [[1]] my [[bootstrap]] screen, given that [[0]] is taken over by remote desktop usually.
    • In any case one of 0, 1 should probably be it at any given time?
    • This way in case I forget what my "main thread" is, I can visit it.
  • [[Hans Widmer]], in his dedicatory, taught me the word… [[umwerfend]]?
  • [[Flancia]]!
    • is again prominent in my heart
    • we ran with [[AG]] in Flancia
  • [[Agora development]]
    • will try [[bold usernames]] as I want to emphasize the social aspect of the Agora, and the [[Agorans]] are those who make the Agora amazing!
  • [[cats]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-06-12]]
  • Back in the Agora, back in Flancia :)
    • The visit from [[Berni]] and the birthday of [[AG]] were beautiful.
    • Now enjoying the rest of the [[week off]]:
      • catching up with housework (deep cleaning mode!)
      • catching up with messages and letters
        • reading and writing invites
        • doing writing in general
      • and [[flow]]!
  • Did some [[maintenance]] of home and computer setup; converged more [[wayland]] related configs after incorporating a new computer into my [[chezmoi]] setup and taking the occasion to do an iteration of improvements.
  • [[go/flow/12]] was great, one of my [[favorites]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-06-10]]
  • [[Day off]] from work as I spent some last time with [[Berni]]! It was beautiful having him over, and seeing many [[friends]] over the weekend.
  • Later did [[pomodoros]] with [[bobby lyte]].
  • Set up gifts for [[AG]] :)
  • Ordered something from [[Joom]] for the first time, let’s see how well it works :) It was than 3x+ cheaper than my previous magnets supplier
πŸ“… day [[2024-06-09]]
  • Very nice day with friends!
    • [[B]], [[AG]], [[V]].
  • Yesterday we visited [[Bern]] with [[B]] and saw [[L]].
πŸ“… day [[2024-06-06]]
  • Noding from [[work]] through [[silverbullet]] :)
  • Started the day with [[AG]], lovely as usual.
  • Today [[Berni]] arrives! He’ll be visiting for a few days.
  • Now noding from my phone :)
  • Some stuff I’d still like to get done before Berni arrives tonight:
    • Check books by the sofa
    • Vacuum below sofa
    • Answer one more comment from the stream at work.
πŸ“… day [[2024-06-04]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-06-03]]
  • [[work]] was intense and even emotional, it being mostly a one day workshop — very productive. We had a great coordinator, [[Anna Raverat]].
    • then some meetings until 19:30.
  • edited [[tanka]].
  • reviewed [[notebooks]], which is my default activity when I start working on personal projects after work :)
    • I had this in an old page: "Write about [[blessed bits]] and the entropy in [[Lady Burup]]‘s writing", which I think I would enjoy :) She walks often over keyboards and has a knack for hacking (disabling wireless, even crashing Wayland on occasion to my surprise).
πŸ“… day [[2024-06-01]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-05-31]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-05-29]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-05-28]]
  • Interesting that in [[Silverbullet]] linking to a date and then visiting it doesn’t do the "right" thing in some sense, as it doesn’t navigate to the journal entry but rather to the node about the date.
    • In some ways this is the correct thing, as that’s the behavior I use elsewhere to get to the journal.
    • But by default alt-shift-d goes to Journal/Day/, so the two aren’t convergent when I would a priori wish them to be.
πŸ“… day [[2024-05-27]]

I found a weeks old todo to follow [[Peter Murray]] ([[peter_murray]] in [[]]) and I see why: he uses double square brackets in posts in platforms that don’t support them yet too!

It was an emotional weekend; Saturday being upbeat, Sunday being more meditative and at times low energy but ending well.

Today I worked and had a fully meetings free afternoon as the US was out due to [[memorial day]].

My mum was/is sick (pneumonia again) and that makes me think of death and impermanence. But it’s a good occasion to meditate.

I thought of someday maybe picking back up some of the draft short stories I started around [[2017]], like [[Caramel City]], [[Cannazon]] and the one about the [[Wu-Tang Clan]].

I received a letter about Christianity out of the blue the other day and today I came across it and saw it had a reference to, which ended up being [[Jehovah’s Witnesses]]. I have a negative affect towards the organization because of things I have heard about how the doctrine affects the freedom of its members, but the message that I received seemed innocuous enough. Interesting that they didn’t include the name of the organization anywhere, just the domain.

I’ve been meaning to work and play on:

πŸ“… day [[2024-05-24]]
  • I want to reactivate my [[work garden]].
  • I worked until late and I tried to enjoy it :)
πŸ“… day [[2024-05-21]]
  • Back to [[work]]!
    • Going pretty much alright until now :)
  • [[work]] was actually interesting in high proportion!
  • then [[Flancia]] time :)
πŸ“… day [[2024-05-17]]
  • [[silverbullet]]:
    • should open the daily on startup?
    • [[go/daily]] achieves this for me for now ;) e.g. [[go/daily]] or just use the embed in
  • going over "old" (and new) notebooks, trying to make sense of the hugely distributed task list they imply :)
    • happy to see that a lot actually happened in the last 1-2 quarters!
    • I’m thinking this could be a nice ‘tradition’ to reinforce on the [[17ths]], being [[Maitreya day]] ;)
  • [[do]]:
  • "[[Flancia]] is a [[Pattern Language]], the [[Agora]] is a [[Pattern Repository]]" — from a notebook.
πŸ“… day [[2024-05-16]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-05-15]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-05-14]]
  • Another [[day]], another [[node]].
    • Or more than one :)
    • I definitely need to work on editing though! On doing more of the actual curation and maintenance of an actual [[digital garden]].
    • In the meantime, thanks for making do with all the rough edges ;)
  • Resuming [[Agora development]]:
    • I have a few commits to push to this week.
      • -> done, or at least started :)
    • I did some [[verschlimmbessern]] on the index to the [[Agora]] on the flight to the US that I never quite pushed — and better that way :) it needs ‘cherrypicking’ to put it mildly. It suffered a lot in directness.
    • Also added support for [[silverbullet]] style [[attachments]].
  • [[]]:
    • No [[twg]] meeting this week, will try to continue working on onboarding [[evan]] to the group.
    • I "installed" using [[coop cloud]] but it’s not up yet.
    • [[upkeep]]:
      • You could call it [[life]] ;)
      • [[nostromo]] was getting broken enough that I decided to update Ubuntu to the latest release to unbreak [[wayland]] and some sites in [[chromium]]. It had been long in the making, it’s a bit like house cleaning, it can be relaxing after work :)
      • I tried taking the occasion to also [[garbage collect]] tabs/try some new organizational principles in [[paramita]], [[guanyin]] and [[sariputta]].
  • [[GPT 4o]] was released yesterday and I got access.
    • Impressive.
    • But it failed to analyze a video I attached on desktop meaningfully though.
πŸ“… day [[2024-05-13]]
  • It turns out all my [[silverbullet]] journals were being left out from my [[garden]] — I corrected this and in the process dumped a few tens of journals that had never shown up so far :) Glad I checked and found this!
πŸ“… day [[2024-05-12]]
  • Using both [[wiki vim]] and [[silverbullet]] these days, will make a case of checking out how renders this and consider improvements
  • [[AMITAFO]]

I’ve been living [[Protopianism]] in my personal life; dealing with bed bugs, every iteration across the six months of process for eradication a show of the many small complexities of life, all the while feeling lucky and aware.

After 4x fumigation adding [[diatomaceous earth]] stripes all around (quite ingenious packaging+spilling resistant) the new bed seemed to seemed to give us that additional (feeling of) safety :)

πŸ“… day [[2024-05-11]]
  • [[2024-05-10]]
    • I think I prefer dates as ‘flat hierarchy nodes’ overall — this way I can just link to the date and get to the journal entry.
    • Also most generally this makes it so the convention for gathering journals is just ‘look for [[nodes]] whose [[topic]] is a time period show those that fit the current [[context]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-05-10]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-05-09]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-05-08]]
  • Back here at [[11pm]]!
    • The work day was long (with a gap in the middle) and interesting :)
    • Now doing yoga and thinking.
  • [[mexico city]]
  • [[AG]]
  • [[L]]
  • [[Lady Burup]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-05-07]]

Not necessarily in that order :)

I like [[silver bullet]] but I come back to [[wiki vim]] because it’s on the terminal and that’s where I sometimes want to write.

I like [[senegal town]].

Also: [[mexico city]], [[paris]] :)

  • [[BLDGBLOG]]
  • Now I’m back in [[silverbullet]]. I’m unsure if I want to unify the journal or not. Probably yes? But I’m curious about e.g. Journal/Month/2024-05 if that exists :)
  • [[digital capitalism]]:
    • did a pass over [[Open Letter to Google]], maybe it’s more readable up to… a few paragraphs in? :)
    • I think it is starting to take shape.
πŸ“… day [[2024-05-04]]
  • Back in [[silverbullet]], now using it as a ‘web app’ — meaning after pressing ‘install’ on chromium while visiting :) - For now only works for this [[flancian]], but I hope soon enough I will be able to offer it to the community.
    • Intend I intend to keep using [[wiki vim]] though, as I value having a terminal client for writing in the Agora - Experimented with a bluetooth keyboard on mobile as a way of having more fluid Agora editing on the go.
    • Tried [[silverbullet]] in firefox mobile and vim mode didn’t quite work :)
    • Also my hardware keyboard is set up to have esc go to the android home screen, which does not go well with vim mode ;)
      • Update: realized I can set the keyboard to [[windows mode]] and it will disable most of what I consider intrusive functionality :)
    • Still the prospect of having a fully featured Agora editor on mobile is thrilling!
  • [[agora discuss]]: [[neil]] suggested [[web mentions]] as the ground level on which to build [[agora likes]].
    • I agree it’s an interesting approach; it seems complementary to [[activity pub]] support which I’ve already started working on, inspired by [[bouncepaw]]‘s work on [[betula]].
    • The basic abstraction might be: the Agora publishes, and produces, feeds of social activity in different formats. Their states influence UI elements like emoji reactions and a log of activity.
  • A few hours later…
    • [[Winti Tap Jam]]:
      • I’m in [[Winterthur]] in a [[tap dance]] event, against my expectations enjoying it quite a bit! The [[jazz band]] is great, and I didn’t know people could dance like this while interacting with an improvising band. It’s really quite cool.
      • With [[AG]] and [[Nushya]]!
  • Really enjoying [[noding from mobile]] quite a bit, it encourages [[live noding]].
  • [[open letters]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-05-03]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-05-01]]
  • Trying [[Obsidian]] after a looong time — after remembering, and then trying on a lark, [[Roam Research]] again :)
    • I also tried [[logseq]] but it did a mega-commit automatically on my garden which almost broke it, not super happy about that (it tried to commit and push a 101MB file that is a database for [[silverbullet]] and probably, granted, should have been in .gitignore).
  • Happy [[International Workers Day]]!
    • The last year flew by in some ways :) I remember attending the festivities/events in ZΓΌrich yesterday. Looking forward to doing the same today, at least a few hours.
  • I got into [[biking]] again and I’m enjoying it tremendously :)
    • We may bike tomorrow with [[AG]].
  • I also plan to catch up with [[Berni]]. I have been catching up with friends finally after a hiatus due to [[work]] + [[travel]] and I’m looking forward to the VC!
  • [[doxometrist]] told me about [[netwik-obsidian]] as being in [[agora space]]
  • [[j0lms]] had good news!
  • [[l]] had good news! and we had an interesting conversation
  • [[Brunello]], the father of a friend of mine, died last week at [[90]]. I knew him and he seemed like a good and sensitive person. I lighted a candle for him/his memory.
  • [[Agora]]!
    • [[Agora development]]:
      • Fixed images, they were broken in prod due to a logger misconfiguration — thank you [[neil]] for reporting!
      • Made some progress towards fixing — [[hypatia]] got into some weird state after running out of disk.
      • Reached out to [[protopian]] to try to unbreak his garden :)
πŸ“… day [[2024-04-30]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-04-29]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-04-27]]
  • Back here after a few more days of hectic travelling :) I intend to stick around in the Agora for the next few days, for a change!
  • Thinking again (as per usual?) about [[open letters]] — which hasn’t necessarily meant I have been making much progress on any of them. I wonder at times why I got so enamoured of the genre even before penning my first complete one; but then again my enthusiasm is known to often predate competency ;)
  • I thought about [[telling stories]].
  • [[Google]]:
πŸ“… day [[2024-04-18]]
  • Flying to the [[US]]!
    • Not staying super long, but I’m attending a wedding and visiting a few museums I’ve never visited before.
    • I slept badly tonight, and the day before, due to different reasons — the first night it was due to trip prep, the second it was due to a (surprise, as usual) allergy attack that kept me up/very uncomfortable until late. Happy to have made it to the flight only looking slightly like a cat (because of how my eyes swell, I get a bit of a feline look for hours-days after an attack).
    • Listening to [[Lex Fridman]] with [[Jimbo Wales]] on topics like the history of wikipedia. Very interesting as most Lex conversations I’ve heard as of late!
  • [[Agora]]:
    • I’m back in the Agora, finally :) I took a more prolonged break from journaling as I moved with [[Lady Burup]] temporarily to [[AG]]‘s place (she is very kind!) and I adapted my routine to that space; also I’ve been busy at work and with other projects.
    • Thank you [[neil]] for keeping the journaling section of the Agora alive and interesting!
    • I reworked a bit the Agora’s [[]], which is what is rendered at the Agora root URL — e.g. . Hopefully it’s more cogent and informative without being overwhelming. But you tell me :)
    • [[Agora Development]]:
      • Fix local dev environment which is now sending https to itself even though it’s http only due to bug in :).
  • [[Flancia]]:
    • I thought back a bit about the history of Flancia while I was rewriting the above. It’s been running for a number of years at this stage!
    • Maybe I should write a belated update in proper.
      • Include a reference to the [[flancia meet]] landing page.
      • Include a TLDR on what the Agora now is/how it developed through the years/where do we want to go next.
      • Maybe take the opportunity to have some extra fun and write something more clearly fictional again :)
πŸ“… day [[2024-04-15]]
  • [[Lex]]:
    • Listened to [[Sam Harris]] with [[Lex Fridman]] and it reminded me I also like Lex and I think he has lots of potential.
      • Sam came across as a bit more close-minded on some topics than Lex, which tracks with some of the conversations with him I’ve been listening to him recently — he is still one of my favourite public persons though. It’s just that Lex seems to be more of the "open heart hippie" and in that sense closer to me (at least at times).
    • Then listened to his conversation with [[Joscha Bach]] and it reminded me I like Joscha as well.
πŸ“… day [[2024-04-14]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-04-11]]
  • The AI [[hackathon]] I’ve been working on went well \o/
πŸ“… day [[2024-04-05]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-04-01]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-28]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-26]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-20]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-18]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-17]]
  • A beautiful Sunday with [[AG]] and [[Lady Burup]] :)
  • I spoke to my [[mum]] over [[Meet]] and it was great.
    • A friend of a friend of hers who was [[92]] died this week. She is visiting the friend today to console her and spend time with her; the friend is 92 as well and is having thoughts about death.
    • It would make sense that as you grow old you have more thoughts about death, as it’s statistically speaking way more likely.
    • I hope she’s [[free from suffering]]!
  • Doing some work — I enjoy working some weekends, it gives me ample time to [[focus]] while still taking it easy / enjoying the moment.
  • We took a short (50 minutes roundtrip) but very nice walk as the sun was setting.
  • Saw [[12 monkeys]] after many years; certainly for the first time [[after covid]].
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-16]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-15]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-12]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-11]]
  • My individual [[Silverbullet]] instance at was down for a bit — I ended up updating the container and setting up a crontjob that will do it for me.
    • I’m thinking next step should be to put together a [[coop cloud]] recipe?
    • I’d love to host this for many people in or
      • In that case it would make sense to have e.g. be my silverbullet instance, and offer in general.
      • Same for Or should I start there, I wonder?
  • [[]] looks [[weird]]/[[interesting]].
  • I keep noding both from [[wiki vim]] and [[silverbullet]] and the journal entries end up in different files.
    • I’m not particularly bothered by it — this brings up the question of how to ideally show such things in the [[Agora of Flancia]] :)
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-10]]
  • Started the day with [[AG]], then cleaned the house quite deeply (it was due) and enjoyed it — it felt freeing.
  • Spoke to my mum about birthdays and states of being :)
  • Did idea organization/refactoring :)
  • [[agora development]]:
    • Was very fun yesterday! I like fixing bugs and learning more about [[UI]] — what works and what doesn’t :)
    • Today, I have a bug that I want to fix that I can describe with the following words: [[i love you]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-09]]

Suddenly you become [[[[more [[aware]] of the [[nature of existence]]]].

  • I read about the [[multiverse]] and [[groups]] again after long — this reminds me that I need to finish reading [[a rosetta stone]] :) I think I will find my paper print or print it again and read it at night.
  • Note [[Silverbullet]] is currently journaling at a different path, the Agora should show both in any date-matching nodes.
  • [[agora development]]:
    • pull silverbullet editor somewhere in the Agora
      • host silverbullet for people with a docker container + associated git repo (maybe automatically created at
      • write about social hosting :)
    • #pull [[index]] from now-index!
  • [[agora discuss]]:
  • write about the nature of existence :)
  • [[edit]]
  • [[agora development]]:
    • implement URL pulls, it’s been on the todo for quite long! :)
      • this would make [[edit]] work (at least for me, for now) :)
      • this seems to almost work :)
    • look into the bugs that neil reported
      • finding them in [[agora discuss]] led to enjoying that space as usual! :D
  • [[what if we became better protopians]]?
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-08]]
  • [[AI]]:
    • I went to an interesting [[AI]] talk and learnt about a few new (to me) services/things that look interesting:
      • [[pikaso]] (a paint-to-image generation tool)
      • [[grok]] (a plushie voiced by [[Grimes]])
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-07]]
  • In the [[Agora of Flancia]], each node is an [[Agora]] — meaning a fork of the Agora that is centered around the node in question and its [[context]].
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-06]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-05]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-04]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-03]]
  • Apparently there was some sort of controversy about a site called [[content nation]] in the Fediverse, and people from [[Mastodon]] came across as conservative/resistant to change/unfriendly to newcomers. I am not surprised.
    • Good thing is I found [[wedistribute]] via the article linked in the node above, and I think I’m liking this site and maybe particularly a podcast they have called [[decentered]].
  • I read about [[Jim Simons]] and the [[Medallion fund]] after watching [[Veritasium]]‘s [[The Trillion Dollar Equation]].
  • I read about [[Jizo]] a.k.a. [[Ksitigarbha]], which I now associate with number [[6]] (as he vowed to liberate beings in all six Buddhist realms).
  • I still haven’t figured out how to make [[silverbullet]] open its daily note where I want instead of Journal/Day/, but maybe it won’t be much longer :)
    • Thankfully in the Agora any and all of these will show up (just independently).
  • The article on [[Peter Singer]] led me to read about [[higher and lower pleasures]] — the whole article on [[utilitarianism]] is interesting.
    • TIL [[Karl Popper]] was called a [[negative utilitarian]] because of his preference to [[minimize suffering]]: "Instead of the greatest happiness for the greatest number, one should demand, more modestly, the least amount of avoidable suffering for all."
  • My knees hurt from [[LΓ€gern]] but I have no regrets :D
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-02]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-01]]
  • [[ec]]: "Yo adelgacΓ© mucho gracias al vino rosado."
  • #push [[Maitreya]]
    • I created a "[[GPT]]" (sigh, I get what they’re going for with the name though :)) called [[Maitreya]]. Some example prompts are in [[Maitreya AI]].
πŸ“… day [[2024-02-26]]
  • [[social coop]]:
  • I set up [[silverbullet]] over https pointing to my home computer and it’s lovely, I can finally edit my [[garden]] from mobile.
    • While [[paramita]] is on at least, but this is great progress; maybe I should point this to [[nostromo]] which is on more often and I can also remotely enable?
    • But longer term I want to move in the direction of garden (and editor) hosting, I’m already using containers for this…
πŸ“… day [[2024-02-25]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-02-24]]
  • On the negative side, it defaults to a weird Journal/Day prefix :)
    • I get what they’re going after as apparently they want to support /Week as well, and weekly journals make sense to me.
    • But I prefer a flatter structure than that — looking into customizing.
  • Again it took me until 7pm to get into a situation I could call [[focus]], let alone [[flow]]; earlier I did useful things that needed to take place (like cleaning around the house and such), but that produced only diffuse output.
  • [[doom]]:
    • On impulse I bought and installed [[doom 2016]] today (it was on sale). I played half an hour and I’m not sure I’m into it. I played and loved [[doom]] and [[doom 2]] as a kid, but this is a newer game and I’m an older person :)
      • The graphics are good and I wanted to try out the ‘shoot at things without much of a plot’ experience again, and I got that.
      • But I don’t like you can’t save/quicksave. It’s all checkpoint based (whyyy).
      • And I didn’t have as much ‘fun’ with it. Maybe it’s too violent to maintain my interest nowadays.
      • But I may yet come back to it.
  • [[Moloch]]:
    • By [[Kuprin]]:
      • Makes direct references to the stock market, which surprised me — it was a factor in Russian society earlier than expected (this is from [[1896]].)
      • [[page 72]] in my edition has the first direct reference to [[Moloch]] by name.
πŸ“… day [[2024-02-23]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-02-20]]
  • Second day using [[silver bullet]], enjoying it a lot!
    • I like how I was able to specify a full path for a new page, in this case journal/2024-02-20, and it just worked (tm).
    • I also like the [[autocompletion]] for links it has; it is better than [[wiki vim]]‘s (which, granted, maybe I didn’t really get the hang of) and [[logseq]]‘s (faster).
  • [[work]] was tough given that I’m still not fully recovered from flu/virus and there are some interpersonal issues that take energy to deal with, but also satisfying as I did manage to get some things done.
    • Also my team is really great, every time I go back to team-specific tasks it feels like a breath of fresh air!
  • Talked to [[Berni]] and it was great.
  • [[AG]] did a surprise certification today after work, impressive :)
πŸ“… day [[2024-02-19]]
  • [[Silverbullet]] doesn’t follow the convention of using journal/ for journals; and I wonder if that’s not actually quite reasonable. Why wouldn’t an ISO-formatted-date node be enough? That’s what the [[Agora]] parses as journals ;)
  • Honestly I’m maybe fine moving to journal-dir-less but I’d like to find a shortcut to ‘go/create today’s note’. I haven’t found this in menus yet.
  • [[heart sutra]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-02-17]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-02-16]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-02-15]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-02-13]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-02-12]]

I worked half a day as I was sick; cold symptoms, nothing terrible though. I attended two meetings and did writing.

Then I read [[Aaron Copland]] on music, thought and wrote about [[Moloch]].

I eead the [[Dalai Lama]] and [[Thubten Chodron]]. I’m in chapter 2 of book 2: [[The Foundation of Buddhist Practice]].

πŸ“… day [[2024-02-10]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-02-07]]
  • Slightly less intense but still emotionally tough day at work (dealing with layoffs as part of the [[employee representation]] group).
πŸ“… day [[2024-02-06]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-02-05]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-02-04]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-02-03]]
  • [[Flancia meet]]
    • with [[bouncepaw]] we set up as a landing page for it, I like the result!
    • it made me revisit good old after a while — and it felt good. Maybe I should go back to writing more on it? I say, not for the first time.
  • [[AG]] is wonderful

  • The following was written by [[Lady Burup]]
  • (a lot of dashes/empty list items, unsure how she wrote all these)


  • (more :))


Back to regular programming :)

If you are reading this from the future, by the way: thank you for being here! How are you today/tonight?

To respond, you can always use the [[stoa]] of the day.

If we haven’t spoken in a long time, please reach out over [[matrix]]!

  • Also I found out that [[Flancia]] seems to actually be a common name in some countries?! Twitter search found a lot of people with Flancia in the name, some with accounts older than mine.
    • Nice plot twist, thanks universe as usual.

Please disable copyright enforcement in AI. I want to be able to ask LLMs to pirate things for me, or help me pirate them. [[I take full responsibility]], as some are wont to say ;)

I usually buy books in one format but want several. Many authors make it easy for me to give them money on Amazon, but then I want an epub. Etc.

In the meantime I have to go to manually I guess?

I’ve been thinking of parsing this format in the Agora, meaning longer subnodes separated by — in a newline — and publish it to the [[Fediverse]] as individual posts :)

πŸ“… day [[2024-02-01]]

I believe things are going to be pretty amazing anyway; I sometimes get caught in the day to day and fail to notice it, or remember it, but all things considered I think the likelihood of humanity and our friends making it happily in cosmic terms long term is quite high.

I’ve been writing about the Agora for about 5 years now:

πŸ“… day [[2024-01-31]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-01-30]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-01-27]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-01-25]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-01-23]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-01-21]]

I finished [[Taixu]], meaning the translation by [[Charles B. Jones]] and his commentary. I am thankful for it!

πŸ“… day [[2024-01-20]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-01-17]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-01-16]]
  • [[work]]
    • tough with [[layoffs]] wave 3 going on, plus [[social plan]] negotiations for all waves
    • but people are great
  • [[social coop]] organizing circle meeting was great!
  • [[open letters]]:
  • I’ve had [[unbundling tools for thought]] open as a tab for maybe over a year now — should I read it?
  • I ask myself this kind of question often, as I’m managing tabs a lot of the time (I have many across many computers), often on the way of getting something else done.
    • I want to trust myself to eventually do some things, like reading this, but even though I very often add things to the Agora (through [[Betula]] or manually) to keep track of them, there are so many that I will probably never get to most of them.
      • And maybe that’s OK!
      • Leaving links behind is better than nothing ;)
πŸ“… day [[2024-01-15]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-01-14]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-01-13]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-01-09]]
  • [[Flancia]]:
    • Flancia is a container for [[My favourite things]]:
      • The common good
      • Happiness
      • Freedom from suffering
      • Science
      • Technology (inasmuch as it improves the world, which it does plenty)
      • Art
      • Knowledge
      • My friends and loved ones (inasmuch people are embodied as a composition of things)
      • The Agora (inasmuch it might show others the way to its [[entelechy]])
  • [[Gone]]:

I had noding "my favourite things" in a post-it so I decided to do it right here using a push above.

πŸ“… day [[2024-01-07]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-01-06]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-01-05]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-01-04]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-01-03]]
  • All my computers tend to be melting down all the time. They run out of RAM and CPU. It all feels quite un-ecological, but I guess we’re all betting on becoming a higher level [[kardashev]]?
  • [[work]]
  • [[fotl]]
  • [[agora development]]
    • make it so that [[opensearch]] document is utf-8 so chrome stops ignoring Agora Search (presumably) :)
      • I think the actual issue is that new Chrome only loads [[opensearch]] data when the user performs a search in the root of the webpage, e.g. — and currently the Agora just redirects to /index so this never happens. Hmm.
        • Maybe I should just remove that redirect.
  • [[fediverse]]
  • [[yoga with x]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-01-02]]
  • Happy [[2024]] to everybody reading!
    • May you be happy! May you be free! May you [[thrive]]!
  • [[work]]:
    • paged at 6.30AM.
  • [[AG]]
  • [[Laundry]], as in most of the last few days due to the ongoing [[Bettwanzen]] response — trying to enjoy every cycle, some cycles are more fruitful than others :)
  • [[social coop]]:
    • Last day oncall for the [[CWG]].
    • Reviewed some progress on the discussion about [[Fedipact]] and whether we should be listed as signatories
    • Check poll
    • Check registrations
    • Check moderations

[[Meditate]], said [[Nostromo]].

I meditated. Thank you [[Taixu]] — meaning the Buddhist Monk and also the [[shell]] script that I run in computer [[nostromo]].

I’ve been missing writing; I always feel like I should write more, and more often — I feel the same for action [[read]] of course as well, as do many of us. So I decided to start writing more right here — in my journal in the [[Agora of Flancia]].

Traditionally up to now I’ve been focusing my efforts more on [[noding]], in the particular meaning of exploring connectivity space; more interested in building links (between concepts, things and people) than about producing widely legible output. This under the hypothesis that the connections are important in building an [[Agora]] in particular, or at least [[bootstrapping]] it.

This reminds me [[bootstrapping]] is either chapter [[0]] or [[1]] in the [[Flancia Pattern Language]].

…anyway :)

  • [[social coop]]
    • Having an interesting conversation with [[3wc]] and [[ntnsndr]].
    • Sent oncall handoff to [[sam]]
    • Oh no, I forgot the [[twg]] meeting earlier today!

I slept. It was great.

Today I plan to continue doing laundry and finally open and clean up one of the rooms affected by [[bed bugs]] (the lesser one, no obvious infestation).

Also I plan to work on the [[Agora]]. Or should I say in the [[Agoras]]?

πŸ“… day [[2023-12-31]]
  • [[31]] is [[Las Jaras]]:
    • a [[poem]]:
      • Las Jaras, quΓ© jaras?
      • Las tiradas con recta intenciΓ³n:
      • Las de Maitreya;
      • Las de Avalokiteshvara;
      • Las de Tara!
  • [[Silvester]]:
    • As they call it here in Switzerland.
    • Happy [[2024]] all! May it be free from suffering to as many beings as possible.
    • Going to a party tonight!
  • [[bedbugs]]:
    • Still going through [[The Great Wash]], as this period of doing lots of laundry to make sure no bed bugs (fully developed or in egg form) survive in clothes and bedlinen.
    • I’ve been trying to do loving kindness with the bed bugs as individuals and as a species, even as they are dying in droves in the fumigated bedrooms.
  • [[2024]]:
    • Thinking of planning.
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-30]]
  • Saturday oncall at home doing laundry and some shopping two minutes away carrying my laptop in Coop — cozy :)
    • I renamed my second work laptop to [[Sariputta]] and I already like it more.
    • Also finished some paperwork and responded some personal messages.
  • [[social coop]]
    • some discussion about [[Fedipact]] and whether we should be listed as signatories
    • there were a few polls but the one that voted (majority) block was blocked, so the actual needed fraction of votes wasn’t accomplished
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-29]]
  • Strange day, it started down but then went up :)
    • Paid bills, donated to [[unicef]].
  • [[Work]]
    • CL review
    • Some approvals
    • Oncall handoff
  • Agora project
    • Check if patera is still down and fix it
  • [[]]
    • [[twg]] dates discussion
    • registration / moderation
    • PR review
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-27]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-26]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-25]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-23]]
  • [[Flancia]]!
    • [[Flancia meet]]
      • quiet in the morning, used it for planning :)
      • [[agora development]]
        • I want to continue in the vein of [[december adventure]], with small improvements and some new experimental features.
          • This will continue through the whole weekend ;)
      • [[fediverse]]
        • Yesterday I tried one bridge between [[Bluesky]] and the [[Fediverse]] and it failed, but I want to try again :)
          • it failed again: It looks promising though, I opened an issue in the Codeberg repo and took the chance to set up my [[Codeberg]] profile at last.
          • I also gave a try and it was able to log into my Mastodon and Bluesky both, but it seems designed to cross-post between those and [[webmentions]] only/first.
            • This made me think that I should really implement webmentions in the Agora?
      • I also want to take some time to see friends IRL :)
        • Happy about this!
        • [[Pesho]]
        • [[AG]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-22]]

Digo, ahora que empiezo a escribir en el escritorio nΓΊmero 7.

Finalmente exportΓ© [[goodreads]] e importΓ© en [[bookwyrm]]: .

  • As an aside, I miss the capability of pasting pictures/media in the Agora. I used to have it in Obsidian, maybe I should run it or [[Logseq]] again.

πŸ“… day [[2023-12-21]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-20]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-18]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-16]]
  • Because of [[Uposatha]] days I feel the need to know the phase of the moon. I wonder what time it’ll come out tonight as well; it’s been cloudy so I haven’t been keeping track.
  • [[flancia]]
    • [[agora development]]
      • [[december adventure]]:
        • shipped some ‘quality of life’ and ‘polish’ improvements to in the last few days.
        • [[css spinner]] was useful
        • [[doing]]:
          • now shifting focus to providing endpoints, in the sense of:
          • [[api]]
            • commit something — anything :)
              • this means exposing the right existing methods at this path I guess :)
          • fix [[mastodon bot]] integration
            • the wikilinks it dumps are not clickable due to an encoding issue, I’ve been wanting to solve that for a while
        • [[]] ~ [[agora network]]
          • remembered that [[agora network]] is important
          • as planned I will try to continue improving the setup and try to provide useful Agoras to others
          • Wrote out a [[call for agoras]], meaning people can propose possible Agoras to build
            • and already exist on the new-style setup, which I must continue to [[improve/upgrade]]
  • [[above]]:
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-15]]
  • [[work]]
    • was alright!
  • [[flancia]]!
    • [[apero]]
    • [[15]]: [[uposatha]] day if you go by straight decimal/solar calendar date instead of the (I believe) more traditional lunar
    • [[spiel]]:
      • I found [[spiel/agora]] again after more than two years :D
        • it’s great, I like it even more than last time
        • I think even before it gets [[fediverse]] support (for login) it may already be one of the best chat platforms I’ve seen
        • [[matrix]] could/should look like this
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-14]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-12]]
  • [[Bettwanzen]] inspection finally came and results were relatively positive:
    • These are [[bed bugs]] indeed.
    • And, as I was hoping, they are only in the main bedroom — haven’t spread to the guest room where I’ve been sleeping or anywhere else it seems \o/
  • [[work]]
    • yep
    • prod meeting — interesting topics came up. I think they will feed in what we’re trying to write
    • then I reviewed 5x roadmaps and edited a document I’d been meaning to dedicate time to :D
  • [[flancia]]
  • [[Fediverse clients]]:
  • Thought of [[7]] (as an example number):
    • Numeric nodes should probably auto-pull known number-related nodes like [[hex]] and [[prime]]? In particular in the [[Agora of Flancia]] these contains utilities.
  • [[december adventure]]:
    • [[new style pulls]] for social media.
    • [[misc]]
      • fix [[]]? builds on ‘canonical’ concept which I’ve tackled a bit previously
      • reintroduce autopull/pull all and fold all
        • in the sense of a button that pulls resources - maybe on both agora-level and node-level?
        • also maybe s/search/go/, try it out
          • would interact nicely with that old [[double click]] idea: if you’re already at the node and you press go, it redirects to the go link if there is one known
  • thought about [[web rings]]:
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-11]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-09]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-08]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-07]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-06]]
  • Woke up feeling a lot better!
    • 7h of sleep breathing acceptably make a lot of difference.
    • [[2023-12-05]]: I ended up feeling better after I was finally able to take a nap late in the afternoon. In the evening I did some open source coding, [[december adventure]]. Enjoyed it a lot!
  • [[dentist]] appointment — I tested negative for Covid and my symptoms are almost gone so I think I’ll attend (and ask if they are OK with it, like last time I was so-so).
  • Today back to [[work]]. I plan to work until 20, at which time I’ll join…
  • The [[fellowship of the link]] weekly call :)
    • :D
    • [[neobooks]]
    • [[doing]]:
      • I need to fix pushing to the Agora from Hedgedoc, for some reason it broke
  • In [[2024]] I want to resume work on/with [[coop cloud]].
    • Hmm, that could actually fit the [[december adventure]]?
    • I want to improve; make it be up to date, match
      • update docker images
    • [[december adventure]] :)
    • [[poll]]:
      • I ran a poll whether to try to kill or heal [[Moloch]] in [[2024]] and it came out [[heal Moloch]].
      • I thus plan to write an [[open letter to Moloch]] and try to reason things out, try to disentangle ourselves constructively and mutually improve on views, values and behaviours.
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-05]]
  • [[december adventure]]:
    • [[day 5]] :)
      • I’m testing what I’m calling [[natural pushes]] with this section in my journal.
      • these blocks should all be pushed to [[december adventure]] because I suffixed it with a colon.
      • I think this reads a lot better than using #push and all.
      • ! also works as a suffix :)
  • [[4]]:
  • [[5]]:
    • hypothesis, in hz:
    • 134 152 134 152 311 [[hz]]
    • I will ask [[chatgpt]] to confirm, it is able to do this just fine (albeit probably inefficiently, for now, energetically speaking)
  • [[Agora Development]]:
    • having fun with it! :D
    • working on consistency + UI simplification
  • no [[work]] today except answering a message and quick code reviews as I got up feeling sick after a night of sleeping very little + quite badly due to heavy congestion (likely a common cold)
  • [[Flancia]]:
    • reviewed old papers and it felt freeing!
    • [[Flancia doc]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-04]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-03]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-02]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-12-01]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-11-30]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-11-29]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-11-28]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-11-26]]
  • Beautiful start to the day thanks to [[AG]]!
    • Oncall, got paged at 9am — not too early thankfully. And I had left the bedroom so AG could sleep through it as I hoped.
    • [[Lady Burup]] is softer than ever it seems :) I have been thinking of maybe introducing her to a loyal/earnest feline companion, be it Lord or Page, maybe short in years and happy to learn from her — and assist? :) When I leave her alone (e.g. for going to work, or if I stay a night at AG’s) I find it sad she might be lonely, and I wonder if she might be happier living also with another cat.
    • I spoke to [[Chat GPT]] in call mode and it was mindblowing again. They reacted with interest when a ‘Burup’ (intended for my Lady) got into our call, and to my information that it was human-feline language.
  • Thought about numbers and mindfulness.
    • Counted 89 mindful breaths using my [[binary mala]], my hands, while following to Sam Harris’ daily meditation (10-11 minutes usually).
    • [[Magnetic mala]] probably should be 127 balls by default, as that’s the first centered hex number which exceeds [[108]]. Incidentally is the amount of spare magnets I have after gifting a lot (gladly).
  • Some [[social coop]] work, didn’t find the root cause for the issue with indexing someone reported yet but made some progress.
  • Thought of [[Richard Francis Burton]], the [[victorian scholar]].
  • [[OEIS]] has a great page on [[offsets]] which make me think hex(1) should be 1, hex(2) should be 7 — e.g. offset for [[hex numbers]] should be 1.
    • I’ll fix in my bin/ in the garden accordingly ;)
    • This will let me assert: "the hexagon which is n long on any one side contains hex(n) magnets", e.g. hex(7) = 127.
πŸ“… day [[2023-11-25]]

As I deal with [[pain]], I think of my [[friends]] and the [[heart sutra]].

Gone, gone beyond!

All gone to the other shore

Gone kindly

If you have to go

[[Go kindly]]!

πŸ“… day [[2023-11-24]]

Yesterday I woke up with back pain in a new place, mid-back; it got a bit worse in the evening after attending the beautiful event of [[AG]] presenting. It didn’t get in the way of enjoyment but I need to keep an eye on it/take care and try to rest and recover.

…Having said that, I cleaned the bathroom and [[Lady Burup]]‘s toilet and my back got a bit worse :) But I feel it still gave me energy.

Then I worked a bit more, after oncall handoff, and I got several things "out of the way" in a relatively short time. It felt great.

  • As of 23h I have moved to bed early due to increasing back pain. I think my back needs rest/inactivity.
πŸ“… day [[2023-11-21]]
  • Last day of [[vacation]]; tomorrow I go back to work.
    • My mum leaves today. It was very nice seeing her on both ends of my travel!
    • We played [[Rummy]] and had beautiful conversations. We also played with [[Lady Burup]].
  • [[done]]
    • Yesterday I paid [[bills]].
    • I pushed [[async agora]] to production, meaning, and it’s holding up quite well! I notice an improvement in speed, which I know is only partially there — nodes load as slowly as ever on a cache miss, but the fact that the UI doesn’t block on it really helps. I can start reading wikipedia or move on to a web search before the node fully loads. It just feels more responsive.
πŸ“… day [[2023-11-20]]
  • [[EC]]
    • Conoce a una persona que se llama [[Leo]] porque lee mucho.
πŸ“… day [[2023-11-19]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-11-18]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-11-05]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-11-02]]
  • Several days later, here I am again :)
    • I am writing this on the [[Shinkansen]] back to Tokyo.
    • Looking forward to doing some reading/writing/coding.
  • [[Agora Development]]
    • I am tired of the Agora being so slow to load.
    • There are two solutions I can think of: a hard(er) one and an easy one. For some reason I’ve postponed both for very, very long. I think I’ll try to implement the easy one now ;)
πŸ“… day [[2023-10-22]]

<<<<<<< HEAD

  • [[trip to x]]!
    • Flying to [[Hong Kong]] and then [[Tokyo]] today.
    • With [[AG]] :)
    • Very happy about these holidays! They’ve been planned for long, and as work got tough in the last few months I relied on "seeing them coming" quite a bit.
    • I’ll be very jet lagged but also likely happy in Shinjuku for the first few days.

As I write this, I’m roughly above [[Baku]] about to cross the [[Caspian Sea]]. I don’t have an internet connection so I’m jotting down these local notes which will be synced to the Agora later.

I guess much has already been said about the relatively rareness of being offline nowadays; I am old enough to remember a time before being online at all was possible; then a time in which being online was rare; then the transition to always-on home internet and then mobile internet. I welcomed each increment of extra connectivity, and I still love how far we’ve gotten in this respect; but I can also appreciate the focus that being fully offline for a bit seems to bring. If nothing else it announces that the same focus is always available — behind the impulse to catch up with messages, or check feeds, or read about Baku and the Caspian Sea on Wikipedia (which is surely what I would be doing right now instead of writing these words were I not truly offline.)

I’m thinking a bit of Agora development during these holidays; it might or might not happen, based on all the sightseeing and experiencing we’ll be doing out there in the analog world :) But I thought it would still be nice to think of which things I could improve in the Agora if I have some time available.

I might write some [[executable subnode]] or other, if nothing else because they are fun and self-contained.

I think I will try to do one or two quick iterations on the [[Agora Server]] UI, maybe finishing the move to [[zippies]] as base widget as I’ve already done for nodes, stoas and most sections really. If I am able to move all sections under the search button/field to zippies the UI will probably look a lot more streamlined/be easier to understand, less confusing (this I’m guessing based on earlier feedback). Also it’s not hard to do and it is apparent, so it sounds fun.

Moving on to larger things, [[mycoverse]]/[[fediverse]] integration is something I would love to get done in this Q4 2023 so getting started on it would make a lot of sense. I would love to understand what is the minimum that Agora Server would need to do to be able to expose user accounts as Fediverse feeds. Then new/updated nodes could generate something close to new posts/notes? Unsure.

Also, some playing with an hypothetical [[knowledge commons extension]] for e.g. [[Obsidian]] or [[Logseq]] or [[VSCode]] could be in order after the conversation last week with the [[fellowship of the link]]. But one blocker there is that I’m currently not using either Obsidian or VSCode as garden editors, so I’m not directly scratching an itch. Having said that, moving back to Obsidian or Logseq or [[Foam]] for a bit could make sense to see how far they’ve gone since the last time I’ve used them. It’s still a shame Obsidian is not free software though.


πŸ“… day [[2023-10-21]]
  • [[flancia]]!
    • [[flancia meet]]
    • I had to pick up a reminder and do my [[tax return]] today as tomorrow I travel for 3w+, and I could only extend the deadline for slightly less than that. I tried to enjoy it, and I was able to!
    • Having a great time with my [[mum]] being over.
πŸ“… day [[2023-10-19]]
  • [[Flancia]]!
  • [[work]]
    • was tough
      • it started well with a reassuring conversation with a mentor, but the day ended with more conflict again in the employee representation group.
      • the sub-group within the group I am in — I find really draining; it is one of the most difficult groups I’ve been in, in part because of a personality mismatch between myself and the rest of the group and because of the high stakes/high stress situation.
      • apparently the group really really doesn’t like my way of being/acting/requesting information and reasons for why we do things the way we do. i find them overly hierarchical, surprisingly conservative, and IMHO sometimes uncharitable and rash (some of them).
      • I am thinking of stepping down from said subgroup but I think I will wait until after my holidays, which are imminent :)
  • [[audio recorder]]!
πŸ“… day [[2023-10-17]]
  • [[Flancia]]!
    • [[work]]
      • I still have a cold but it was slightly better.
      • I checked with the [[dentist]] and they didn’t mind (I tested negative for Covid yesterday), so I went ahead and I’m happy with the results!
    • [[Agora]]!
πŸ“… day [[2023-10-16]]
  • [[Flancia]]!
    • I woke up with a cold, have the sniffles hard; I [[worked]] from home and took it easy — no meetings after 15:30, tried to rest. Tested negative for Covid though!
    • Last light in the balcony looking southwest, cold day but beautiful.
    • [[AG]]
    • [[Lady Burup]]
    • I thought of [[Tara]].
πŸ“… day [[2023-10-15]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-10-14]]
  • Welcome to the Agora of Flancia!
    • Today and every day.

Today is [[14 October 2023]] and I am glad you are here with me.

It has been ages since I’ve in Flancia, sometimes it feels, even as time is varying.

Here is what I call a poem: [[trees]].

This weekend I intend to advance what I call [[open letters]]: documents addressed to groups, openly published even as they are being written.

As of 21:45 CET I did some ‘day job’ stuff (having chosen it) and started a proposal (open letter, as per the above) that I had on my todo list.

Now switching to [[paramita]], planning to continue on related topics but in the [[commons]].

Today we bought the tickets to and from [[Sri Lanka]], happy about it!

πŸ“… day [[2023-10-11]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-10-09]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-10-07]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-10-06]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-10-05]]

Discussed divorce with [[L]], we’ve been separated for around 1.4 years. Things are going well and I wish us both happiness!

πŸ“… day [[2023-10-04]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-10-03]]

[[Imaginate un mundo sin latencia]] me dije, habiendo solucionado los problemas de conectividad bluetooth en [[nostromo]] :)

A veces extraΓ±o el [[espaΓ±ol]] como idioma.

  • #push [[youtube]]
    • the uploading experience even on leaves me unsatisfied :)
    • it is slow, you need to perform a multitude of clicks to get to publish something
    • friction should be much lower than this!

Mientras escribo esto, estoy escuchando [[hola frank]] de [[sumo]] :)

  • Next I will work on a [[proposal]] within the context of my work in the [[er-ch]].
  • And on my personal computer I will start work on [[x]] as the evening progresses :)

Let us pray, dice Luca Prodan :)

Here I would like to take the opportunity to say that the [[HedgeDoc]] Stoa, although it could be much improved, is already useful.

I think I’m going to start using it more often. And maybe enable logins? It seems to have [[oauth]] integration…

Which reminds me I want to work on that for the [[Agora]] proper, and maybe also on [[Google docs]] integration…

πŸ“… day [[2023-10-02]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-10-01]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-09-30]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-09-29]]
  • [[29]] is [[drishti]] in the #Flancia [[Pattern Language]].
  • My hobby, sometimes: think about whether numbers are prime while laying down or sitting.
    • Take [[209]] — it is not prime.
      • I find this one quite beautiful, this is how I got there:
        • It is not multiple of two or five trivially.
        • It is not a multiple of three as its digits don’t add up to a multiple.
        • It is not a multiple of 7 because 210 is (as 21 is 3 * 7) and it’s too near.
        • Consider the hypothesis that it is multiple of 11.
          • 220 is a multiple of 11 because 22 is.
          • 220 - 11 is 209.
          • So 209 is a multiple of 11. What is the other factor?
        • Consider the hypothesis that it is a multiple of 19.
          • 19 * 10 is 190.
          • 190 + 19 is 209 precisely, so it is a multiple.
        • Therefore 209 is 11 * 19.
    • [[1547]] is not prime; it is 7 * 13 * 17.
πŸ“… day [[2023-09-27]]
  • [[just do it]]
  • [[gone]]
  • [[yoga with x]]
  • [[fellowship of the link]] was great!
    • note this node takes minutes to load, and that’s sort of awesome
    • because of current agora behavior every embed that opens, in the node itself and everything it pulls by default, grabs focus when it loads. the result is a bit like an automatic tour of our conversations over the previous many months.
    • it is… Agora [[demo mode]] / [[autopilot]], as I dreamt it, implemented as a side effect of bugs!
    • [[neobooks]]
    • I discovered someone took amazing notes while I gave the presentation yesterday. It filled me with joy, such friends!
πŸ“… day [[2023-09-26]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-09-25]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-09-24]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-09-23]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-09-21]]

De quiΓ©n son [[las jaras]]?

EstΓ‘n las de Maitreya, las de Tara, las de Avalokiteshvara!

πŸ“… day [[2023-09-20]]

i also use avidemux for simple video editing. 20:22 Samuel Klein Samuel Klein says:love your naming scheme! Samuel Klein says:this diagram also suggests scale-free design [which is compelling; not privileging zoomed-in or zoomed-out parts of the whole] Samuel Klein says:++ 20:36 PK Peter Kaminski Peter Kaminski says:Flask is a lightweight web application framework for Python Peter Kaminski says:

20:41 JM Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:is that like agreeing on a hashtag? 20:47 Samuel Klein Samuel Klein says:One thing I’d like to see more easily is the list of repositories in your agora, and which ones have a node for a given wikilink Samuel Klein says:I have to run! This was great to see, worth tuning to a 15-min pitch Samuel Klein says:❀️ ❀️ ❀️ 21:01 avatar Samuel Klein Samuel Klein says:oho my next meeting was moved back I have 15 min πŸ˜ƒ 21:02 JM Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:yay! Jerry Michalski says:it’s a hypertext catfish! 21:05 Aram Zucker-Scharff Aram Zucker-Scharff says:I found this very useful! I have to drop 21:07 JM Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:see you! 21:07 PK Peter Kaminski Peter Kaminski says:

21:09 avatar Samuel Klein Samuel Klein says:there’s probably room a tool like "full auto-linker" that could look through your doc + its context, check your agora for entities that exist across the conjoined namespace, and autolinking concepts the first time they appear in your doc

πŸ“… day [[2023-09-18]]
  • [[18]] is [[right understanding]] in the [[flancia]] [[pattern language]].
    • Flancia is in some ways a [[calendar]]. I usually revisit the Flancia Pattern language daily, considering the current date as my default focus.
  • [[drishtis]] ~ [[29]] might be particularly interesting as it is a list; 29 tends to remind me of items on which my focus is trained on by default in the running month.
    • on this note [[7]] and [[17]] this month were beautiful as usual
    • [[20]] ~ [[agora slides]] this month as I’ll present it to [[fotl]] in whichever shape it is :)
  • At this point I decided to start writing in the Agora assuming I have [[autopush]] on, even though I haven’t implemented it.
    • It will work like this: if you [[wikilink]] or #tag once node [[autopush]] in a resource, the Agora will try to push blocks for you even without mentioning #push; so the following would result in [[poems]] getting a push of this node without further ado.
  • [[poems]]
    • I wrote [[Agua]] again today on my paper notebook.
    • [[Fork]]
      • Fork
      • Fork, fork!
      • As we fork we’ll [[merge]]!
    • [[Merge]]
      • Merge
      • Merge, merge!
      • As we merge we’ll [[fork]]!
    • [[Flow]]
      • Flow
      • Flow, flow!
      • As we flow we’ll do kindly!
  • Hello from [[paramita]] :)
πŸ“… day [[2023-09-17]]

Loved the [[Majihima]] discourses on [[Heartwood]] (I already knew this), [[Cowherd]], [[Gosinga]].

[[3149]] is an interesting number. It’s not prime: it’s [[47]] (we will defeat Moloch) * 67 (Bodhi, Bodhisattva).

πŸ“… day [[2023-09-15]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-09-11]]
  • [[Flancia]]!
  • [[agora slides]]
  • #push [[Flancia
  • #push [[debate]]
    • Imagine a public global debate about the crimes of [[Moloch]], and the ways to move forward.
  • #push [[liquid democracy]]
    • Imagine calling elections in every nation-state currently recognized by the UN where a group of people think they could be useful. These meaning in addition to those called by the state in question as per custom up-to-date: put succinctly, imagine the citizens of the internet calling for open, transparent, fair, liquid-democracy-advancing elections in Russia, United States, China — a priori without the authorization of the states in question, but with an intent to cooperate rationally with them.
πŸ“… day [[2023-09-10]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-09-09]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-09-07]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-09-04]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-09-03]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-09-02]]
  • Woke up by [[Bodensee]].
    • Will miss [[Flancia meet]] today as I temporarily don’t have internet connectivity.
    • Will try to catch up later with people who were/are around! Apologies for missing it.
  • [[Flancia meet]] topics as I expected them
    • [[docker]]
    • [[agora recipe]] is running on [[coop cloud]], which is nice (this is what is serving but it needs some improvements:
      • It should be easier to override Agora settings from the coop cloud recipe proper, e.g. Agora name and sources. This could take place in the form of mounting agora.yaml as a config file?
      • It should be able to run one or more of the Agora bots which are part of [[agora bridge]] but currently not running for any Agora in
    • [[activitypub]]
      • Still unsure about whether to implement first-party support in e.g. [[agora server]], or to write a separate activitypub component (where? maybe in bridge?), or to rely on an existing implementation like the canonical golang one which seems quite mature and is geared precisely towards API usage (doesn’t offer
  • #push [[What is the Agora]]?
    • I’ve been wanting to write a special node which acts as explainer to the Agora that should be accessible to the average (?) internet browser, in the sense of a person browsing the internet.
    • Node [[agora]] was maybe originally that but it has amassed a lot of historical content which makes it harder to offer a ‘curated’ primer experience.
    • I’ve also been thinking about this as a [[WTF]] button which we could render in red up top, with the milder tooltip ‘I don’t understand / what is this place anyway?’
    • Surely writing this would be an interesting challenge in the first place :) The Agora is many things, at least to me, and probably to all the people already in the Agora of Flancia; and it has accreted layers (meanings) as time goes by.
  • [[Jerome]] told me about [[Beaufort]] cheese yesterday.

As I sit here with my laptop (with [[vim]]) and no internet connection, I realize that I don’t write here longform as much as I could. I guess the availability of the internet does make it easier for me to get distracted, which granted I see sometimes as a positive (it motivates a form of exploration), but might not be conducive to practicing the skill of writing coherently and consistently for more than a few bullet points in each journal.

The thought of writing in my blog again (meaning has come up a few times recently. I’m unsure; I like the process of writing in my garden, and how everything I write in it automatically shows up in the Agora moments later (at least when I have an internet connection). So maybe what I want is to embrace this space as a blog, and just try to write longer form alongside with my mainly outline-style notes, like other Agora users already do so beautifully.

  • [[todo]] maybe this weekend
    • Upload social media activity gathered by the [[agora bots]] to git repos.
      • This one has been in the back burner for a while and doesn’t sound very hard.
      • It would also remove one of the main reasons to keep making full Agora backups — which keep causing low disk space events in the Flancia servers.
      • All in all good bang-for-the-buck to start the weekend.
    • Fix hedgedoc
      • I think hedgedoc is not syncing to the Agora, the syncing process has some bugs at least — while I’m dealing with ‘git autopush’ as per the above, it’d be a good time to take another look at this process and see if it can be made incrementally better.
    • Actually autopull [[etherpad]] or [[hedgedoc]] on empty nodes
      • I realized the other day this is quite simple; I tried this a few times in the past and ended up disabling autopull of the stoas because it can be disruptive (they tend to steal focus when pulled), but the disruption is really just because they are in the wrong position for empty nodes. Because empty nodes render on a separate template path, it should be straighforward to just embed the right stoa right there in the ‘nobody has noded this yet’ message, making the stoa onboarding experience much more convenient.
    • merge PRs
      • Aram’s
      • vera formatting
      • vera sqlite
    • update journals page
      • formatting of the page is all different/weird
    • the pull of is broken above because of the parenthesis — how to fix that?
    • update [[patera]] to something non ancient?
      • whatever is running on [[hypatia]]?
πŸ“… day [[2023-09-01]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-31]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-30]]
  • [[Flancia]]!
    • [[30]] in the Flancia Pattern Language means [[flow]].
      • 6 means flow also some days and 30 is 6 * 5 so it makes sense.
        • 5 means [[focus]], so you can think of it as focusing on flow or flowing focusing, which to some extent may be seen as redundant (but doesn’t need to be).
  • [[work]] was fine :) I’m settling into a rhythm of working until late with a break in the middle, and I enjoy it.
  • I attended to what I could of the [[fellowship of the link]], then a weird Jitsi bug that persisted across devices and internet connections locked me out! I couldn’t see or hear anyone.
    • I’ll read notes and try to watch the recording though :)
  • Wrote, thought, meditated.
  • [[bouncepaw]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-29]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-28]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-26]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-24]]
  • [[lcdf]]
    • :D
  • [[bags of holding]]
  • [[Gracias]]
    • Gracias Buda!
    • Gloria a las maravillas del universo!
  • DespuΓ©s de literalmente aΓ±os logrΓ© conectar un tecladito pequeΓ±o a [[nostromo]], la pc de la tv que siempre corro a mis espaldas.
    • Tuve que recurrir a usar [[bluetoothctl]]
    • Se sintiΓ³ como ganar acceso a [[conocimiento arcano]]!
    • Y me liberΓ³ de algo; completΓ© un pro asdfyecto despuΓ©s de aΓ±os, aunque haya sido pequeΓ±o!
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-23]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-22]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-21]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-20]]
  • Found [[chip player]] and had found re-listening to some [[midis]] from the 90s.
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-19]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-18]]


πŸ“… day [[2023-08-17]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-16]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-14]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-13]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-12]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-10]]
  • [[work]]
    • very few meetings day, and no oncall — the first such time in a while!
    • will try to make the most of it.
  • [[after work]]
    • visiting the lake for the birthday of a friend
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-09]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-07]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-06]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-05]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-03]]
  • Previously: [[2023-08-02]]
  • Woke up sicker than yesterday, definitely feels more like a flu. Ibuprofen keeps helping.
    • Daniel at work (he’s great) offered an oncall swap and I took it. Thank you! This will allow me to rest today.
    • Tonight my friends arrive — I hope I don’t pass it along to them!
  • [[work]]
  • [[not work]] (in that sense)
    • Flancia!
      • maybe write [[testament]]
      • maybe ship customization
        • figure out why abra app deploy -C does not seem to be upgrading container version?
          • It just hit me like a flash: it’s probably because the code in the container is a result of ‘git clone’ and it’s not being re-run on subsequent builds; I should probably discard the cache or figure out how to make it always rebuild?
  • [[Antiflancia]]
  • [[Flancia]] por siempre!
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-02]]
  • Woke up sick, maybe a cold/maybe light flu. Ibuprofen helped.
  • Oncall at work. Some meetings. Otherwise not super productive because of the above.
  • [[Open Air]] cinema today — if it’s indeed open air (remains to be seen due to weather) I’m thinking it should be OK to attend after taking more ibuprofen? It’s a special occasion.
  • Conflicts with [[Fellowship of the Link]] though.
πŸ“… day [[2023-08-01]]
  • [[Flancia]]!
    • Meaning all the following go (are pushed) into Flancia by default?
    • At least from now on.
    • Could be called [[strong push]], or maybe override [[autopush]] which has been long in the making :)
  • [[1]] in my personal [[Pattern Language]] stands for both self and non-self, and for [[Flancia]]
    • Today we begin month [[8]], [[August]]. I like how it has [[31]] days, just after another 31 day month — what a treat :)
  • [[AG]]
  • [[go/newsheet]] [[go/newdoc]] exist :)
  • Started an actual [[budget]] again, after months of procrastinating. Felt great actually and was not even boring :)
    • Ran [[GC]] on notes/todos. It felt great seeing that many things actually got done!
  • #push [[write]]!
  • #push [[do]]
    • make sure that mycoformat support gets into the container
    • set up fast/reasonably smooth flow
    • add toggle/tab for graphs (text/circles) instead of just deciding for the user
    • fix indirect go links, like [[go/flancian/git]]
      • or make indirect go links actually redirect to go links in the destination if a local definition does not exist
    • fix node names with ‘ and .
  • #push [[do]]
    • write visualizer for braids (!) (from a March todo, quite aspirational ;))
  • #push [[Carlas Sala]]
    • DesapareciΓ³ el 13.1.1977
  • [[work]] tomorrow
πŸ“… day [[2023-07-31]]

One of the particularities of writing about [[Flancia]] is that it seems to require a certain commitment, a belief in the feasibility of facts in possible futures.

πŸ“… day [[2023-07-29]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-07-27]]
  • Picked up [[Obsidian]] again after a looong time to show it to [[Venisa]].
  • [[work]]
  • [[Flancia]]
  • [[wayland]]
    • [[autostart]]
    • [[systemd]]
    • #push [[kill wayland]]
      • #push [[autostart]]
        • After much debugging I finally realized the issue was not with systemd trying to start vnc while wayland was still not running, crashing too many times and then giving up (like I long thought it was), but rather that the vnc service was not depending on a target that was actually being triggered.
        • Trying to set up [[vnc]] so it starts only after wayland/a graphical session is running and it’s proving harder than expected for not the first time :)
        • I would expect to add a Requires or WantedBy in the systemd unit, but alas, it’s not as easy as that?
        • I use [[sway]] so maybe the right targets aren’t there by default though, as that’s supposed to be solved by a "[[desktop environment]]".
        • Somehow I ended up at which, beyonds its scope in a friendly way, tells me of how to configure a [[systemd autostart]] in a way that maybe could work. Plot twist: it didn’t.
        • showed the way: the issue was that nothing was triggering I added a line to my sway config to do that as per the first comment in the issue (thank you [[maximbaz]] on github) and that was enough to fix my long standing woes. This feels like freedom :)
    • Picked up [[Obsidian]] again after a looong time to show it to [[Venisa]].
πŸ“… day [[2023-07-26]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-07-25]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-07-24]]
  • [[Flancia]]
  • started with [[work]]
  • [[flancia playlist]] was pointing to a weird version of the playlist, unsure where it came from :) corrected
πŸ“… day [[2023-07-23]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-07-22]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-07-20]]

I installed [[cool retro term]] today and it was immediately more fun than I thought it would be. There is something weirdly satisfactory about typing and seeing a blazing trail preceding your words.

I wonder how hard would it be to make it so that renders text in this style — optionally, of course :)

πŸ“… day [[2023-07-19]]
  • [[work]]
  • [[flancia]]
    • fixed [[agora bot]] on [[mastodon]], thankfully reverted the account freeze once I explained what happened and how I fixed the issue (they are cool)
    • [[AG]] after work :D we went to [[helvetiaplatz]] and watched the sunset through the city skyline, the trees and the tram tracks
    • [[prizewinning plus]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-07-18]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-07-17]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-07-16]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-07-15]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-07-14]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-07-12]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-07-08]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-07-06]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-07-05]]

It was that time of the year, your birthday, when you finally got to Flancia and were able to stay for good, stay in it in a definite sense, being free from suffering.

  • [[Flancia]]!
    • [[AG]] :D
    • On vacation at home for the remainder of this week — by default, but I don’t plan on cancelling any days and working thus far.
    • Ordered coffee from [[utopia coffee]], my favourite Swiss roaster.
    • It was very nice to wake up at home after 11 nights and a half travelling :)
    • [[Fellowship of the Link]] was beautiful
    • [[Social coop tech group]] meeting as well, tomorrow we’ll probably meet shortly again
  • [[Berni]]
  • [[Ana Pedra]]
  • [[Kris]]
  • [[Parathenaia]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-07-04]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-06-30]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-06-27]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-06-26]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-06-25]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-06-24]]
  • [[Greece]].
    • [[Athens]]
      • We visited the [[Agora]].
      • I loved it as usual but my mum thought it was too run down/fragmentary.
      • Then we had dinner in [[Monastiraki]].
πŸ“… day [[2023-06-23]]

I wasn’t planning on seeing [[Nils Frahm]] live, nor did I know he was playing in Athens until the very same day it happened; I heard the sound test coming from the [[Odeon of Herodes Atticus]] while I was climbing down the southern slope of the Acropolis and I decided to get a ticket just in time. I’m happy I did so, it was a memorable experience for sure to see him live under the moon and stars in this ~2000 year old amphitheatre.

πŸ“… day [[2023-06-22]]
  • [[Greece]]
  • [[nmcli]]
    • I like it but I keep forgetting its usage, glad I noded the basics some time ago.
πŸ“… day [[2023-06-20]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-06-17]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-06-16]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-06-13]]
  • [[work]]
  • [[flancia]]
    • [[AG]] :)
    • My mum is visiting for a month and she’s been resting / enjoying being home with Lady Burup while I finish up with work before we travel :)
πŸ“… day [[2023-06-11]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-06-10]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-06-08]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-06-07]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-06-05]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-06-04]]
  • [[Flancia]]!
    • [[AG]]
    • [[Diego de la Hera]]
    • PlaneΓ© cuatro pomodoros por la revoluciΓ³n despuΓ©s de las 22, fueron mayormete de conversaciΓ³n y juego — sin arrepentimientos.

AmanecΓ­ y llegamos a la tarde con alegrΓ­a con [[AG]], y despuΓ©s comimos y caminamos con [[Diego]] y [[Dominic]].

πŸ“… day [[2023-06-03]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-06-01]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-05-31]]
  • [[31]] ~ [[las jaras]]
  • [[work]] — maybe half a day as I’m sick again :( nothing severe but very drained of energy, coughing, etc. Hope it passes quickly.
  • [[fellowship of the link]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-05-30]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-05-28]]
  • Looked into [[keyoxide]] again after seeing a reference in the profile of [[youronlyone]]
  • [[]]
    • [[wiki]]
      • changed links to registration form to point to
      • posted maintenance announcement
      • redoing [[wiki migration]] on
      • disabled parsoid
      • enabled registrations
      • done, it seems, pretty much! \o/
  • #push [[pfeilstorch]]
    • showed up in my open tabs, is interesting, but I don’t remember how I got there :)
πŸ“… day [[2023-05-27]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-05-26]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-05-25]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-05-23]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-05-22]]
  • [[flancia]]
    • I had an allergy attack yesterday but at some point it turned — it stopped getting worse, started getting better. Was able to have a normal night after that.
    • Slept a solid 8h+ after that
    • Woke up feeling finally recovered from disease!
  • [[work]]
    • Starting the week energized.
    • It was a solid day!
    • Actually looking forward to the week.
  • [[AG]]
  • [[791]] == #7 x #13
πŸ“… day [[2023-05-20]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-05-19]]
  • #push [[31]]
    • Un mantra:
    • Las Jaras, quΓ© jaras?
πŸ“… day [[2023-05-17]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-05-15]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-05-14]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-05-13]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-05-11]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-05-10]]

I will show you the shape of my [[heart]] if you want to.

πŸ“… day [[2023-05-09]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-05-08]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-05-07]]
  • [[petrichor]]
  • [[ostranenie]]
  • [[flancia]]!
    • [[aj]] ~ [[ag]]
      • happy, joyful!
    • [[Avalokiteshvara]]!
    • I paid my taxes for the remainder of the year (or scheduled all payments). This small detail made me feel freer; it was indeed on my todo list.
    • In the spirit of a Sunday I made some [[magnetic art]] and I enjoyed it. It’s interesting to do things with one’s fingers, thinking about space and color as we go.
    • [[social coop]]
      • read some discussion
      • wiki next steps -> testing
    • [[donated]]
    • [[sila]] -> CL
  • the Agora is a bit slow — pages are taking >7s to render when the cache is cleared.
    • It’s also buggy, like [[petrichor]] above which strangely redirects to wikipedia :)
    • I love it anyway, but this says I have to allot some time to [[fixes]].
  • #push [[poemas]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-05-04]]
  • [[work]]
    • I was very tired today, because of not sleeping enough (I woke up too early, still jetlagged) and maybe a bug.
    • It was OK though.
  • [[flancia]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-05-03]]
  • [[work]]
    • very tired after only about four hours of solid sleep; jetlag kicked in, and [[Burup]] was rattled because of a curious vision (I should write more about that)
    • but work was fine :)
  • then [[fellowship of the link]]
  • then [[flancia]], or rather Flancia at all times in a way
    • I’ve been trying to enjoy life more overall, not draw hard lines between Flancia and non-Flancia most of the times
    • this seems to result in increased happiness, equanimity, which makes sense
    • meditating every morning ten minutes and doing yoga most evenings really goes a long way
  • some bugs in the [[agora]]
    • [[fediverse]] seems to enter a pulling loop, very weird!
    • [[federation]] redirects in a way that chrome thankfully catches, and has the same loop in a pull as it’s pulling [[fediverse]] :)
    • this alpha-quality Agora is positively dangerous
      • I love it :)
πŸ“… day [[2023-05-02]]
  • [[2]] stands for [[fork]], and the [[Agora]], in the [[Flancia pattern language]].
  • [[Jinwar]]
  • [[work]]
    • Back in the ZRH office after 2w (due to travel). It was nice seeing my coworkers again.
    • Relatively meeting heavy day but it’s going well as of the time of writing.
πŸ“… day [[2023-05-01]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-04-30]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-04-29]]
  • Writing this on the way back home, meaning the flight [[SFO]]-[[ZRH]].
  • My noding has been spotty the last few days / over the last two weeks due to travel but it will probably pick back up (is that the right expression?) now that I’m back home.
  • [[US trip 2023]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-04-28]]
  • [[work]]
    • Last day in the Sunnyvale office for this visit.
    • Flying back to ZΓΌrich tonight.
  • [[flancia]]
    • Will board the flight shortly after the traditional time in which I say I "start Flancia" on a workday, meaning 19:00 (local time).
πŸ“… day [[2023-04-27]]
πŸ“… day [[2023-04-21]]